Wednesday 31 August 2011

Day 61 30/08/2011 Travel plans

We didn't go out anywhere today and now the weather is getting colder we didn't even go out onto the patio for fresh air. Still Michael must have been having a good time because he played and had a lot of fun in the morning. He was in a really good mood and slept for hours in the afternoon. It's summer for all of his little life so far. I don't know what it will be like when we can't go out so much becuase of the cold. He loves to go out. We are thinking every day more and more about going to Peru. I've been looking at the cost of flights and planning how long we can go for and things like that. I'm sure Michael will love it though it will be a big change for him. His Peruvian granny is very keen on looking after him and it's about time he learnt Spanish.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 60 29/08/2011 Mike's passport

I'm loving it now that Michael has learnt to smile.

And he is having more and more fun too. He often spends time now playing on his own in the bouncy chair or even better being silly with mum or dad.

This morning we sat and filled in Michael's British passport application. It's all quite straight forward but it's also quite exciting. I'm really looking forward to having his passport. Apparently you can no longer have any children on your passport so even infants must have their own. The only strange detail is the section that asks for a signature of someone who has known the applicant for at least 4 years. That's going to be hard for Michael.
Here he is looking worried about it

The score now is 17 - 9 to Rocio

Monday 29 August 2011

Day 59 28/08/2011 Wollaton Park

Today I went to work very early. I don't want to talk about it because it was a whole disaster all the way to Dover and back. I got back at about 1.30 p.m.
Rocio and Michael were relaxing on the settee and Michael was in great mood. He has now really got the hang of smiling, doubling his total of smiles at me again. Soon I'll loose count all together. We played in the house for a long time and hung the washing out in the rain. Then when it got sunny again we went out for a walk around Wollaton park.

We strolled about, had toasted tea cakes (very fashionable at the moment), Rocio breast fed in public at the cafe table (No-one cared or even seemed to notice) and we came home and watched our sci-fi and had an early night. Not perhaps the most exciting story to tell but it was a lovely afternoon.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Day 58 27/08/2011 On the beach

We went out today and sat in the car outside the house, we couldn't decide where to go. It's always a good idea to get out of the house on a Saturday whether it's into town or out to Ikea or a country park or whatever. We haven't actually been to ikea with baby Michael yet but we'll probably go soon. We decided in the end to go to town again. Might not be real variety but it's O.K.
So we went to the Victoria Shopping Centre, round the pound shop and to a 'Greasy Spoon'. Rocio and I had a big plates full of chips and fried eggs and mugs of tea and toasted tea cakes. All for less than our posh coffee and danish pastry usually costs us at one of the coffee chains.
Afterwards we went to Boots to buy a breast pump. If this strange device works Rocio will be able to express milk and leave it for me to feed Michael some times. That would be wondeful.
Whilst there we saw an advert for a Punch and Judy show in the market square so we strolled over there. We must have missed the show as we never saw any sign of it but there is still the 'beach' in the square. 300 tonnnes of sand dumped in the square with deck chairs on it and ice cream sellers and some fair ground rides etc. We sat for a long while on the chairs and Michael was very happy watching everything happening around.

It really was nice there in the sunshine, Rocio making sand castles and watching the children run in and out of the fountain as if it were the sea. Here is Rocio's sand Chosa

Then off to Weatherspoons for Rocio's two halves of Guiness and back home.
All in all a lovely time in town, very relaxed and Michael in a really good mood. More and more Michael likes to play and look around him and every day he spends more time awake but not feeding. Life is getting better and better.

Friday 26 August 2011

Day 57 26/08/2011 Latest Scores

Today Rocio woke me up by bringing Michael for a cuddle in bed. It was great. I love it when he is in a playful mood. We messed about together as a family for ages and Michael smiled three times. That is as many as I have ever seen from him before. I know it's a bit sad that I'm still counting his smiles but there you go.
On a similar matter the score now is 9 for daddy and 15 for mummy in the weeing on people count. Plus 3 bonus wees on midwives, health visitors, doctors etc.
Michael slept very nicely in his cot too, a real achievement for him and a rest for Rocio. Time was when he never liked to be off Rocio. Michael really enjoyed it when Rocio took him with her when she went downstairs to check if her Take A Break had arrived. In fact he enjoyed it so much that they spent some time going up and down stairs.

Day 56 25/08/2011 25th Percentile

Today we went to get Michael weighed again at the centre. It's nice to go along there and have a cup of tea and have Michael checked out before I go off to work. He now weighs 4.82 Kg or 10 Lb 10 Oz and has officially gone up to the 25th percentile. This means that he is heavier than 25% of babies his age. It was just 9% before. So he is putting on wieght all the time, of course, but he is gaining more than average for his age. This is all good. He looks really well and happy. He now has fine chubby cheeks and legs and he shows no signs of slowing down. Some days he just eats and eats and poor Rocio has to eat and eat to keep up with him.
Here they are waiting for the weighing.

Rocio has been a little anaemic again recently. At least that is what her blood tests say. So she is taking iron tablets and eating lots of wheatabix, marmite, broccoli and spinach and drinking orange juice to help her digest it all. The thing is she doesn't look at all anaemic, she looks very well. I'm wondering if she has a low haemaglobin count because she is from a line of mountain people. Her haemaglobin are adapted to work better than mine for instance. So perhaps here bascially at sea level in Nottingham she probably needs less of it than the rest of us. Is this a crazy theory? I remember reading about altitude adaption in different parts of the world. Turns out that South Americans have different adaptions to, say, Nepali. I just can't remember exactly what those adaptions were.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Day 55 24/08/2011 Grumpy Boy - Funny Boy

I didn't get to spend much time with Michael today.
Michael seemed very grumpy. He Cried a lot before I went to work. I'm told he had a good afternoon with Rocio. Nothing personal against me I hope.

Rocio says in the afternoon for the first time Mike slept on her listening to her using JAWS screen reader on the compter without getting upset. So she finally got to read her emails and things. Then they played around with Michael in the bouncy chair and Michael tried to eat the bombay mix. We'll have to check with the health visitor but I think he may be a little too young for rock hard spicy peanuts.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 54 23/08/2011 Back in Notts

Today we went into town for an appointment at the bank and then around town. Michael was in the manta on Rocio's back for a long time, very happily sleeping or looking around.

He has a funny habit of staring upwards. It makes you wonder what is up on the ceiling that is so fascinating but he will do the same when he's outside on Rocio's back. He spent ages looking at the sky today from the manta. Michael snoozed in my arms while Rocio went on the flying chair ride in the market square

Then off to our favourite Alley Cafe for coffees and fried breakfast. After the city centre we went round Mothercare and Curry's and the like on a out-of-town retail park. Michael cried a bit in Mothercare, which was a bit funny because he wasn't the only baby crying in there at the time, but slept through Curry's and the rest.

Day 53 22/08/2011 Peruvian Embassy

We woke up very early in the hotel and for the first time in his life Michael watched children's television, Rory the Racing Car (where Rory broke the all time record for circuits of the track), Phil and Cockie,Peppa Pig, Fifi and the Flower Garden, Noddy and then Thomas the Tank Engine.
We walked to the Embassy and got there early, about half an hour before opening time. Luckily one of the office staff was just arriving and felt sorry for us with the baby, so she let us wait inside in a strange room like a lecture theatre.
Here are Rocio and Michael in the room with the Peruvian flag highlighted by a beam of sunlight in the background. All very patriotic

It didn't go well at the embassy because someone had lied to us on the phone. We had been told that you didn't have to make an appointment to register a new baby with them, just turn up. This isn't true, so we will have to got back again another day. The people there were kind and they tried to be as helpful as possible but the process takes hours and we really did have to make an appointment for another day.
We wandered around a bit more, failing to find the Spanish consulate, afterwards and eventually went back to Nottingham as stand-by passengers on another Silverdale National Express bus. Michael was not nearly as relaxed this time and cried a lot on the bus. Nothing we could do would stop him, not feeding, dancing him about, keeping him still, swaddling him or anything. I know babies just cry sometimes but Michael is so often really good on buses and in cars that it's worrying and a bit embarrassing when he just cries and cries. I realised much too late that we should have just got off the bus at Milton Keynes and caught a later one. By the time we got to Nottingham Michael had been crying hard for ages. As soon as we got off the bus it took him about 20 seconds to stop crying and fall asleep. He cried a lot again on the local bus home and stopped instantly in the house in his bouncy chair. All in all I'm guessing it had all become too much for him. He really does like some quiet time during the day and gets really upset without it.

Day 52 21/08/2011 Going to London

On Sunday we went on the National Express to London. Bus man's holiday for me of course. We got into town on time but found I had forgotten Rocio's purse with all the tickets and passes and cash card etc. So we had to set off back home again to get them. Standing at the bus stop to go home I had one more check through the baby bag, which I had already checked carfully including amptying it, and of course found the missing purse. We had already missed the bus we booked but decided to go to the station to get on the next bus. When we got to the station we found that our bus was running so late that we hadn't missed it.
On the bus Michael was a little angel, charming the passengers around and snoozing. It was good to watch someone else doing my job. Not doing it as well as I do of course. After showing off Michael to my friends who work at Victoria station London ,and a little confusion about where the hotel was, we settled into our room

and went for a very nice pizza. We had never taken Michael to a restaurant before but he was perfectly behaved again. We got back to the hotel quite early and sat watching Sci-fi on the laptop in bed, very nice.

Day 51 20/08/2011Vvisitors

I've got a bit behind writing these posts, sorry about that.
On Saturday we had a visit at home from Dad and Jenny. They brought us lots of presents including Thornton's chocolates for Michael. Unfortunately he's still too little to eat them so Rocio and I had to help him with them. Michael loved all the attention and was very happy with Dad (his Grandad of course) holding him and counting his fingers. Here they are apparently comparing bellies.

Michael also got a special cloth for covering him whilst feeding and a teething ring toy.

In the evening we went to eat with Rudy and Maurine, their little girl Elenor and Maurine's mum . That was really lovely. The two babies had nearly the same due date but Michael was induced 18 days early and Elenor was born a couple of weeks late so they seem diffent ages. They cooked us some wonderful Chinese food and we probably stayed too late because we lost track of time talking about babies and life.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Day 50 19/08/2011 Fifty Days Old

Fifty days of life! Our boy seems to be growing up so quickly.
Today whilst I slept after an especially long hard day driving (Floods in London and a flat tyre on the bus) Rocio and Michael went out to Bumps and Babies without me.
Rocio met a couple of the women who were on the ante natal course at the same place. It must have been good to see them again and compare babies. Everyone agreed that Michael was the most beautiful baby there. The truth is Michael has lots of nice hair that everyone likes commments on. He slept all thorough the event looking peaceful in his fashionable baby sling. Rocio took a big box chocolate to share. The leader Philippa shared them out and the Mums made them all disapear very quiclky.

Here is a picture of Michael sunbathing on the patio.

Friday 19 August 2011

Day 49 18/08/2011 Six week checkup

Rocio and Michael went for their six week checkup today. Rocio went on her own. I'm told everything was fine. Mum and baby are both doing well. Rocio says the doctor was really nervous, perhaps he didn't know how to deal with a blind mum. He didn't tell her where the bed was to put Michael down on for his inspection and when she did finally put him down the doctor didn't ask her to take a seat or such like so she was in his way during the inspection. Nothing terrible but it seemed like his nervousness made things awkward. I don't think she was really offended just thought it was funny.

On another subject we did finally hear from the breast milk bank people. They were nice and polite but basically told us they were not interested in milk donations if we could not deliver them ourselves to Birmingham. I feel quite disappointed. I thought this was an important service. Like blood donation. I thought it saved lives. I understand that is is a bit crazy for people living in Nottingham to be delivering breast milk to Birmingham, after all there are plenty of breast in Birmingham I believe but I don't understand why there is nothing here in Nottingham. Surely it would be a very cheap service to set up. You'd need someone to collect the milk, someone to run the office and do the organising of volunteers, some laboratory staff to check the milk and liaise with the hospital. If saving baby lives is important this all sounds easy and quite cheap. No expensive equipment to buy at all. Shouldn't this just be a part of what the blood donor scheme does? They already have all the facilities. I see women with babies popping in (and popping out!) to feed their baby on one side whilst expressing milk on the other. All collected easily at the Milk and Blood bank. Then a cup of tea and biscuits, somewhere to change baby's bum and off they go.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Day 48 17/08/2011 Feeding Cushion

Today we got a feeding cushion (from off of that Ebay!)It's a curved cushion like part of a doughnut that fits around Rocio's belly whilst she's feeding Michael so he is at the right height without her having to hold him up. This is good because at times Michael can feed and snooze and feed and snooze for hour at a time. It was an immediate success he was plopped down on it and had a good feed and fell asleep.

It came with it's zip broken but Rocio has managed to mend it with parts from another zip, clever woman. I guess we won't send it back as it's O.K. now and it did work so well.

Here's a picture of Michael looking peaceful. He doesn't always look peaceful but it is easier to tack photos of him when he is like that. The strange angle I took the photo from makes it look like he has a huge skull like The Mekon, I promise he is normally shaped in real life.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 47 16/08/2011 Mr Full On

Today it was back to work for me after my lovely three day weekend. As is now usual Rocio and Mike woke up early, about 7 O'Clock and I slept until about 11. I was vaguely aware as I slept that Rocio and Mike spent most of that time dancing about. Rocio seems to have endless energy for having fun with Michael. I only wish he would accept me a little more so I could have my workout too.
Michael is an all or nothing sort of boy. He is desperately hungry or sound asleep or bouncing full of fun or crying and crying with grumpiness. Never an in between sort of mood for him.
Here he is enjoying his new mobile that goes over his cot during one of his quick naps.

Apparently they danced all afternoon too. Mike didn't want leaving anywhere but was quite happy making Rocio dance and dance.

Monday 15 August 2011

Day 46 15/08/2011 BCG day

Today we had an appointment for Michael to has BCG injection. He has to have this as he will be at risk of tuberculosis when he gets back to Peru. This is his first immunisation though we have seen the list of recommended once over the next few months.
We woke up and got useselve ready and went to the hospital we met Maurine, Rudy and thier little girl Elenor. Maurine and Rudy we first met on a antenatal course in the City Hospital a couple of days before Michael was born and obviously we had never met Elenor before. She was born about 3 weeks ago. She is a lovely little thing even smaller than Michael. Though Michael is getting bigger all the time. He has managed to outgrow his 'Premature baby' clothes. It was great to see them again and exchange stories. I was just thinking today of sending them a text message to see how they were. We should go to visit them next weekend.
Here is Michael sleeping just after his injection. In the background is Rocio holding Elenor. Elenor had been crying at the time, she had just had her BCG too of course but she calmed down with Rocio and soon fell asleep too.

We also saw a lady called Jasmin and her baby (Sorry can't remember the name) we met her briefly on the labour ward just after Michael was born and before her girl came. The BCG clinic really is a place for reunions.
We were very worried about how Michael would be with the injection. We hate to see him suffer but this is important. As it was neither Rocio or I wanted to hold Michael during the injection because he would probably stuggle and he would need holding tightly. I could do it but better someone who doesn't love him so much. He was sleeping peacfully before the injection and he cried loudly during it. It must have been a nasty surprise but two minutes later he was asleep again. Wonerful boy that he is.

Afterwards we went to Primark to buy him a soft new towel, by way of a present for being so good. He must have liked it because he got out of the bath today without crying at all.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Day 45 14/08/2011 Thirsty Work

Today in the afternoon we went for a walk along the local disused railway. I carried Mike in the big cloth sling, which I put on all by myself for the first time. It was great except that I put it on over my jumper and it was a warm day and I was boiling hot most of the way with a hot baby strapped to my belly.

It's nice to have somewhere to go walking nearby although it goes from the hospital along side a busy road and eventually turns into just a footpath at the road side, not too pleasant. Still we had the good bit all to ourselves and it was nice to be out under the trees. The area we live in now is a bit boring. It's nice enough and safe enough but near our house there is nothing but a big hospital, the corner shop right below us and the railway footpath. All the rest is houses. We really miss West Bridgford where we lived before. It had shops and cafes and library and parks and riverbank and take aways etc.
When we got home we decided that we should go out to do the big shopping in the car before we went into the house or we would never get out again today. So we had a good long walk around Asda too. We have bought lots of different things to drink. The hot weather combined with breast feeding are making Rocio constantly thirsty. So juicy fruits, dilute to taste juice, fruit juice in cartons, teas and coffees, vodka, lemonade, cola and chocolate milk. Ok I'm joking about the vodka.

This afternoon after a long play with Rocio whilst I did stuff in the kitchen, I took over playing with Michael and he really wanted only one game 'Punch the Daddy'. He was bouncing around having a good time but every few seconds he would pull one or other fist back (punching himself in the face) and throw it out towards me. It was a lot of fun. He did seem to be aware of what he hands were doing more than ever before. Though not perhaps well able to control them. He was also occasionally grabbing my face and beard. All great stuff. He really is learning what his hands are for now. I love it.

Here he is having a calming down time just lying on his back with his dummy in. He often doesn't accept his dummy but when he does he loves it. It even calms him soemtimes when he is crying and crying and nothing else will help. Not always but it's definatly one thing worth trying.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Day 44 13/8/2011 Peaceful times

Michael woke up very happy today. We all sat in bed whilst I read us "The Content Baby" book. Then when we got up Rocio went to get herself ready for going for her massage and I was with Michael. We had the best time together ever. Dancing about and being silly. He is still not really laughing or smiling with his mouth but he really looked like he was having fun, smiling with his bright shining eyes and we danced about for ages. Eventually I did notice that I was doing most of the dancing and he was just drifting and staring about him in a dream. He must have worn himself out he had been the most active and happy I've ever seen him. Here he is flopping on my neck. I tried to take the picture holding the camera back over my own shoulder so it's a bit wonky.

Then after a really big feed we all got in to the car and went for Rocio's massage appointment. Michael had another little bit to eat just before we got out of the car and we went into the massage place. Rocio used to go there for massage when she was pregnant but this was the first time since having Michael and also likely to be the longest she has so far been without him. The place is all peaceful and quiet and relaxing, just right for a massage but not really baby friendly so I was a bit worried how it would go. Michael was happy in his sling on me though and got lots of attention from the women that work there when we went in. I was ready for him to start crying when Rocio went away and I thought I would have to go wait in the car because I couldn't stay with Michael crying in the massage place. I imagined he might cry for the whole time Rocio was inside but it was nothing like that. He did start crying shortly after Rocio went in but by the time I had got him half way out of the building he had stopped and he never made another sound. We went out to the newsagents and walked about the local area and then came back and I sat reading my magazines until Rocio had finished. Micheal snoozed peacefully or just looked around him for all of it. I was so proud of him and so happy that he could be happy with me.

We went to Weatherspoons for something to eat which was fine. Michael was still charming and relaxed. He had a small feed whilst we were in there. I had a bigger feed of chili and chips and a nice campuchino.
Here is Michael snoozing in Wetherspoons

Afterwards we went for a stroll around the National Watersports Centre to have a look at the white water rafting, which was nice and we had ice creams and sat on the grass to feed Michael. Unfortunately the grass was covered with ants so that didn't work well but mostly we had a very relaxed time strolling about.
Here he is having a look around the watersports centre

When we got home Michael was STILL in a good mood so we pushed our luck trying out the long cloth sling. We really want to practice with this putting it on in different ways to see what works well but Michael usually doesn't like the messing about this involves. This time was no exception. We did get him tied on to my back in a new and interesting way but he hated it and cried a lot so that didn't last long.

Instead Michael had some comforting and went to bed whilst Rocio and I watched our favourite Sci-fi series on Rocio's laptop.

Very nice day.

Day 43 12/8/2011 Brahms Lullaby

We forgot to go to the baby group today. We didn't realise until it was too late. We had a nice time bumbling around in the house and we received a parcel from Ebay, a musical mobile to hang over Michael's cot. It has little hippos hanging from it and it has a wind up music box that plays the classic lullaby tune. It's very traditional. We did try it's soothign powers out on Michael, which wasn't a great sucess but perhaps he'll grow to love it.

Rocio amd Michael had another nice aftenoon with plenty of dancing. When Michael was getting upset again later Rocio took him to have look at the downstair corredor and went up and down the stairs a few times. He really like that. Then after a time int he bouncy chair it was time for bed. It's funny what things make Michael happy and satisfied.

Friday 12 August 2011

Day 42 11/8/2011The 9th Percentile

So we went back to the health visitor's today and had Michael weighed and checked out. He is now 4.33 Kg or 9 Lb 8 ounces. He is perfectly following the 9th percentile which is just fine. This means only 9 percent of baby boys a smaller than him at this age but it is perfectly healthy. He is obviously a small boy especially compared to some of the big pink English boys I see around but he is doing very well. Look at his great chubby cheeks in this picture.

We got to the Access Centre (as it is called) so early that I was able to sit with Rocio and have a cup of coffee before the Health Visitor started her rounds. Very civilised. See what you can do with just a little practice? Perhaps we'll go again (twice) next week.

We haven't managed to get Michael to accept his dummy again since the other day. He'll give it a go if he's is a good mood for about 10 seconds. Then he spits it out as if he were just humouring us. It reminds me of myself and chewing gum. I enjoy it for a few seconds and then I just can't be bothered to keep chewing this worthless rubbery stuff. So I spit it out.
Likewise Michael hasn't really smiled again since the one day he tried it out a bit and he hasn't really played with his toys since the one day he tried playing/suckling on his big textured butterfly thing. I guess he will get back to doing all these in time. I just don't know when. I really have very little idea about normal child development so I don't know when to expect him to do different things. When will he start laughing or holding hands or smiling or playing with objects or holding his head up or playing ukulele or enjoying tickles or raspberries on the belly. I just don't know. I get a bit frustrated, not because I want him to do things before he is ready but because he himself seems to get frustrated a lot. I really want him to be happy and I don't like it when he cries because of this. I think he is a very alert, intelligent and determined little boy but he has nothing to do at the moment except bother his mum for milk and sleep. When he is full of milk but not sleepy what can he do but get upset and cry? I get upset when my little boy cries. So does Rocio. We so want him to be happy.

Rocio says in the afternoon Michael slept for only 10 mins and woke up crying. It was time to hang the wet washing out so he was put in the sling and they went out onto the patio he was enjoying being outside and the whole washing activity when suddenly two drunk men came out for cigarettes. We share the patio with two other flats. This is fine except that some use the patio as smoking room. There are smoke detectors in all the flats so they come out to smoke just where we hang our washing. Rocio said "Please no not now!" and they thankfully went back in, apparently delaying their cigarettes for Michael's sake . Michael and Rocio enjoyed the patio a bit more then they went in. Michael cried a lot and Rocio fed him, he cry a lot more and Rocio decided he needed to dance. So they danced in the Kitchen to D.J. Bobo and the like.

This went very well and Michael was happy again. Rocio decided it was time to go to the corner shop but Michael didn't want to and he cried and cried. As soon as they got into the shop he was happy again and stopped crying. He started again as soon as they stepped outside to go home and it was soon bed time and he slept like a log hardly even waking to feed in the night.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Day 41 10/9/2011 We did it again

Today we got up early and grumbled a lot and shuffled around the house and got our bags of nappies and wet wipes and clothing changes ready. Rocio fed Michael and I changed his bum. We had breakfast and a cup of tea and I ironed my work shirt and did all my other things to get ready to go to work and we managed to get out of the house and in the car and down the road to the Community Centre where our health visitor works. We were more or less on time except for the fact that we were a day early. Again !
I blame it on the hormones. We were told that after the birth there would be all sorts of changes in hormones and this could be very strange. I just didn't know it affected Dads so strongly. Oh well, we'll do it all again tomorrow.
Here is a picture of Michael wearing a hat sent from Peru. I am assured that this is a perfectly manly look for a little boy in Peru. Sorry to say I had to recommend that we not take Michael out to the Community Centre wearing this today. He did really like it though.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Day 40 9/8/2011 Volunteer visitor

Today in the morning we had a visit from Stephanie from a volunteer organisation called 'Home Start' ( Isn't that to get your baby going even if he brakes down at home? )
We got a lot of information and answered questions and filled in a form but in the end, with luck, there will be a volunteer to go out with Rocio once a week to baby group or shopping or to the Nottingham Royal Society for the Blind. We'll see how it goes, it could be good. The main problem we can see so far is that the volunteers are limited to two hours at any session so it wouldn't be possible to go into town for something for example, that would take too long.

There are riots in England at the moment. For the last three nights there have been disturbances, even in Nottingham. This evening the landlord phoned me whilst I was at work, saying that he was closing the shop early. The shop is part of the same building we live in, literally straight below our flat. He was worried about tit getting attacked and wanted us to both keep an eye out for trouble during the night and watch ourselves. If someone wanted to break into the shop they would see it closed up with metal shutters and might think they could find a way in by climbing up to our patio and somehow down int o the shop. They would be wrong but it means they would try to break in to our house. Scary stuff. In the end nothing happened.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Day 39 8/8/2011 Didn't Go Shopping

Today we went out before I went to work. We had to go pick up a form from the doctors' and we went to visit Jennnie and Matt and the Boys. Michael was a bit upset that we weren't going shopping in town I think but cheered up a bit when we were at Jennie's.
Here he is in the garden with Mum

We didn't have much time there as I went off to work and Rocio came home in a taxi.

Michael cried a lot in the taxi because he couldn't sleep. After that Michael cried even more in the house until Rocio danced Santiago with him then he was happy again. Funny boy.

Day 38 7/8/2011 Dummy and luxury Bathtime

Today Michael woke up crying even after his feed he continued so we thought it might be a good time to try him with one of the dummies we bought for him yesterday.
We did try giving him one when he wasn't upset but he just spat it out. Can't blame him really it's a funny bit of plastic to shove into his mouth.
When we tried it today though it only took him a couple of seconds to get used to it and then he stopped crying and was happy on his own with it in the bouncy chair for a long while.

Later we went out to the Hackspace for me to do a bit of soldering and Michael mostly slept though that.
In the evening Rocio had a bath with Michael which was fun. Michael floated and fed at the same time. He loved that. It's real luxury for him. Rocio says unfortunately there are no photos of that and if there are we are not putting them here.
The main problem with Michael feeding in the bath is that feeding can take a long time and the bath gets cold and when you force him to finish feeding early he gets really upset.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Day 37 6/8/2011 Milky face

Michael loves his milk. Sometimes he drinks on and off for hours and sometimes he just wants to play with it.

Today was Saturday and as usual Michael was a bit bored in the house...

so we went shopping. Rocio is getting used to the other baby sling now. It's just a very long piece of cloth but it holds Michael even more securely than the BabaSling we have mostly used before. Here is Rocio in a cafe in town with Michael still sleeping in the sling. He got a face covered with drips of drinking chocolate from Rocio but he didn't seem to mind, he stayed asleep.

In the evening we managed a 'Family Siesta'. I always want this but it can be so hard to organise. Michael had a big feed and we all went off to sleep for hours. Sooooonice. More and more the last few days Michael has accepted comfort from me, when he is getting disturbed in his sleep for example and wakes up and just wants to know that someone is still with him. I love that he will now often accept a stroke and kiss from me and he will go straight back to sleep. He has nodded off on my chest a few times recently too. I love it.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Day 36 5/8/2011 Bumps and Babies again

Today we went to the 'Bumps and Babies' group. Which was fun as usual. I remembered the camera this time. Here is Michael playing on the floor with two little girls. They are not really holding hands but I like how the picture makes it look as if they are.

In the video you can see him flirting

The Mums (and one other Dad !) there are friendly are we have a cup of tea and a chat about the babies. Michael was not the youngest there this time. There was a little girl 3 weeks old who had been born 3 weeks early so really only due to be born.

Here's a video of Michael doing his party trick

Michael is still having occasional crying afternoons, but not all the time. He is still the good boy we have come to know and love. Just occasionally he is set to cry whatever we do and all we can do is keep him safe and comfortable and let him do it. Generally he shouts for a bit and then suddenly falls asleep, then wakes up back to his normal self.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Day 35 4/8/2011 New ability

Another big first today. Michael was quite relaxed this morning and I played with him for quite a while after I woke up. Eventually he had had enough and we went to give him a bath. He has seemes to be getting a bit panicky in the bath so we were extra careful and took him out as soon as he was clean, before he could get upset. He did cry a bit, and that's the news because he cried with real tears! He has cried many times before of course but never with tears. It's an achievement and a stage of his development, if a bit sad.
Here is a picture trying to get his first tears. I did comfort him after his photo shoot.

Rocio swaddled him and he slept in the manta on her back then later in the cot where he slept peacefully for two hours and woke up with no crying even during his nappy change. Defineltly he is trying to be a good boy.

Day 34 3/8/2011 Got a routine

Today was a mooching around in the house morning. Michael has something of a routine now. He wakes up at about 6.30 a.m. and makes Rocio get up and play with him. He feeds until 7.10 then plays maybe in the bouncy chair, bouncing himself, or maybe in Mum's arms whilst she dances and sing. Then snoozing until Dad wakes. he like to sleep and wake, check that Mum is still there and then sleep again. I wake at about 11.00 and try to give him some fun. The day continues with Michael having a big siesta and they go to bed at about 7.00 with feeds often at about 11.00 2.00 4.40 and then getting up again at about 6.30
It's not a night's sleep for Rocio but at least it is a pattern.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Day 33 2/8/2011 Monkey Boy

For the first time Michael woke up today and didn't cry for food. I wasn't awake but Rocio says he woke up and played for a while on his own. I love all his firsts but this one is special. He doesn't yet do very much with his hand, gripping or pulling things to his mouth to be investigated. Though I think he is learning that stuff right now. As I write he is lying on Mum next to me sucking on her arm. He is not hungry and does not accept the breast. So he must be investigating. We have tried giving him his toy but doesn't want it either. I really want him to learn to play. I guess I must be patient. He is a little boy full of character. He'll do it all when he is ready.
Here is a picture of Michael's monkey back. I think this is going now so I wanted to get a photo before it all goes. I love his hairy arms and back.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Day 32 1/8/2011 Big as a car seat

Today I went to work later than usual. I did a normal trip to London but starting work at 6.45 p.m. All this means I had something of a long weekend. I got to be with my lovely Michael all day.

Trouble is he wasn't in a very lovely mood. I have to say he is experimenting with being naughty. Up until a couple of days ago Michael would cry if he needed something but stop instantly as soon as he was getting it, be it milk or fun or shopping or being left alone for a bit. For the last few days he has spent long hours crying whatever happens to him. It's really annoying and tiring, especially for Rocio of course. It seems like he just gets himself into a bad mood and doesn't know how to calm down. I'm getting better at calming him, sometimes with Shhhhhushes and sometimes with a harsh word or two, but Rocio is wonderful, patient and funny at the same time. I suppose this just means Michael is behaving like normal babies, keeping us awake and crying a lot. He has been so reasonable up until now. I'm guessing he'll learn and we'll learn and this won't last long. Every day he plays a little bit more, so maybe he'll eventually take my strong suggestion and "Get a hobby other than crying!"
The way Rocio fianlly calmed Michael after a looong frantic crying time today was to go into the bedroom and put Huayno music on a bit loud and dance with him. We never know what Michael need and have to try lots of things. He is so English in that he jumps at the slightest sudden noise, but he is very Peruvian in that he needs his Huanyo to calm him down.
Well we went out today to West Bridgford where we used to live. Rocio is applying for her British passport and we needed our previous doctor to witness her forms. We are getting ready to go to Peru in November. I am so looking forward to showing off our boy to that side of the family.

We took Michael in the car seat for the first time. Up until now he has been just too small to fit in it and he has needed to be on Rocio's lap all the time. He didn't much like it but he has to get used to it. Still, again when he gets a hobby he'll be much happier in the car seat. We did some shopping which is good for us as we need to eat and good for Michael 'cos he loves it. In West Bridgford we saw another Mum with her baby in a wrap. A big baby girl sittign up looking very comfortable and happy. We've got our shopping technique worked out now for one sighted Dad, one blind Mum,one shopping trolley and one baby in the sling.

Monday 1 August 2011

Day 31 31/7/2011 One month old

It's the last day of July. Michael is a month old! It has been an adventur filled month. Michael has changed all our routines. It's hard to believe how he is developing, growing every day and how much he knows now.

When he was born he had a strange shaped head and a little narrow face. Now he has a lovely round head and is growing chubby cheeks and his legs are getting straighter. He has learnt how to smile and feed and snore and hold things in his hands. As of today the score is 9 - 9, that is nine wees on Daddy and nine on Mummy. Daddy went in to an early lead whilst on parernity leave, but Mummy has caught up now that she is looking after him on her own all day.He also has done one on the midwife. It feels like he has always been with us. he fits perfectly into our little family.

Today we haven't gone out anywhere we have mooched around the house all day. Michael was a bit whingy all day perhaps because he loves going out. He did let me play with him a little in the afternoon but mostly spent the day sleeping, crying and feeding. I gave him his bath today in the kitchen sink but it was not so easy. He is a bit too long to lie in the sink without risking bumping his head when he kicks his legs.
I had to hold my hand on his head all the time just in case. We call him Rocket Man because you always have to be careful with him when he is on your lap. He will suddenly kick both his legs and if you didn't catch him he would shoot across the room like a little rocket. Luckily I have always managed to catch him so far.