Friday 26 August 2011

Day 56 25/08/2011 25th Percentile

Today we went to get Michael weighed again at the centre. It's nice to go along there and have a cup of tea and have Michael checked out before I go off to work. He now weighs 4.82 Kg or 10 Lb 10 Oz and has officially gone up to the 25th percentile. This means that he is heavier than 25% of babies his age. It was just 9% before. So he is putting on wieght all the time, of course, but he is gaining more than average for his age. This is all good. He looks really well and happy. He now has fine chubby cheeks and legs and he shows no signs of slowing down. Some days he just eats and eats and poor Rocio has to eat and eat to keep up with him.
Here they are waiting for the weighing.

Rocio has been a little anaemic again recently. At least that is what her blood tests say. So she is taking iron tablets and eating lots of wheatabix, marmite, broccoli and spinach and drinking orange juice to help her digest it all. The thing is she doesn't look at all anaemic, she looks very well. I'm wondering if she has a low haemaglobin count because she is from a line of mountain people. Her haemaglobin are adapted to work better than mine for instance. So perhaps here bascially at sea level in Nottingham she probably needs less of it than the rest of us. Is this a crazy theory? I remember reading about altitude adaption in different parts of the world. Turns out that South Americans have different adaptions to, say, Nepali. I just can't remember exactly what those adaptions were.

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