Saturday 13 August 2011

Day 43 12/8/2011 Brahms Lullaby

We forgot to go to the baby group today. We didn't realise until it was too late. We had a nice time bumbling around in the house and we received a parcel from Ebay, a musical mobile to hang over Michael's cot. It has little hippos hanging from it and it has a wind up music box that plays the classic lullaby tune. It's very traditional. We did try it's soothign powers out on Michael, which wasn't a great sucess but perhaps he'll grow to love it.

Rocio amd Michael had another nice aftenoon with plenty of dancing. When Michael was getting upset again later Rocio took him to have look at the downstair corredor and went up and down the stairs a few times. He really like that. Then after a time int he bouncy chair it was time for bed. It's funny what things make Michael happy and satisfied.

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