Friday 19 August 2011

Day 49 18/08/2011 Six week checkup

Rocio and Michael went for their six week checkup today. Rocio went on her own. I'm told everything was fine. Mum and baby are both doing well. Rocio says the doctor was really nervous, perhaps he didn't know how to deal with a blind mum. He didn't tell her where the bed was to put Michael down on for his inspection and when she did finally put him down the doctor didn't ask her to take a seat or such like so she was in his way during the inspection. Nothing terrible but it seemed like his nervousness made things awkward. I don't think she was really offended just thought it was funny.

On another subject we did finally hear from the breast milk bank people. They were nice and polite but basically told us they were not interested in milk donations if we could not deliver them ourselves to Birmingham. I feel quite disappointed. I thought this was an important service. Like blood donation. I thought it saved lives. I understand that is is a bit crazy for people living in Nottingham to be delivering breast milk to Birmingham, after all there are plenty of breast in Birmingham I believe but I don't understand why there is nothing here in Nottingham. Surely it would be a very cheap service to set up. You'd need someone to collect the milk, someone to run the office and do the organising of volunteers, some laboratory staff to check the milk and liaise with the hospital. If saving baby lives is important this all sounds easy and quite cheap. No expensive equipment to buy at all. Shouldn't this just be a part of what the blood donor scheme does? They already have all the facilities. I see women with babies popping in (and popping out!) to feed their baby on one side whilst expressing milk on the other. All collected easily at the Milk and Blood bank. Then a cup of tea and biscuits, somewhere to change baby's bum and off they go.

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