Sunday 7 August 2011

Day 37 6/8/2011 Milky face

Michael loves his milk. Sometimes he drinks on and off for hours and sometimes he just wants to play with it.

Today was Saturday and as usual Michael was a bit bored in the house...

so we went shopping. Rocio is getting used to the other baby sling now. It's just a very long piece of cloth but it holds Michael even more securely than the BabaSling we have mostly used before. Here is Rocio in a cafe in town with Michael still sleeping in the sling. He got a face covered with drips of drinking chocolate from Rocio but he didn't seem to mind, he stayed asleep.

In the evening we managed a 'Family Siesta'. I always want this but it can be so hard to organise. Michael had a big feed and we all went off to sleep for hours. Sooooonice. More and more the last few days Michael has accepted comfort from me, when he is getting disturbed in his sleep for example and wakes up and just wants to know that someone is still with him. I love that he will now often accept a stroke and kiss from me and he will go straight back to sleep. He has nodded off on my chest a few times recently too. I love it.


  1. what does his baby grow say?!

  2. I only cry when ugly people hold me!



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