Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 53 22/08/2011 Peruvian Embassy

We woke up very early in the hotel and for the first time in his life Michael watched children's television, Rory the Racing Car (where Rory broke the all time record for circuits of the track), Phil and Cockie,Peppa Pig, Fifi and the Flower Garden, Noddy and then Thomas the Tank Engine.
We walked to the Embassy and got there early, about half an hour before opening time. Luckily one of the office staff was just arriving and felt sorry for us with the baby, so she let us wait inside in a strange room like a lecture theatre.
Here are Rocio and Michael in the room with the Peruvian flag highlighted by a beam of sunlight in the background. All very patriotic

It didn't go well at the embassy because someone had lied to us on the phone. We had been told that you didn't have to make an appointment to register a new baby with them, just turn up. This isn't true, so we will have to got back again another day. The people there were kind and they tried to be as helpful as possible but the process takes hours and we really did have to make an appointment for another day.
We wandered around a bit more, failing to find the Spanish consulate, afterwards and eventually went back to Nottingham as stand-by passengers on another Silverdale National Express bus. Michael was not nearly as relaxed this time and cried a lot on the bus. Nothing we could do would stop him, not feeding, dancing him about, keeping him still, swaddling him or anything. I know babies just cry sometimes but Michael is so often really good on buses and in cars that it's worrying and a bit embarrassing when he just cries and cries. I realised much too late that we should have just got off the bus at Milton Keynes and caught a later one. By the time we got to Nottingham Michael had been crying hard for ages. As soon as we got off the bus it took him about 20 seconds to stop crying and fall asleep. He cried a lot again on the local bus home and stopped instantly in the house in his bouncy chair. All in all I'm guessing it had all become too much for him. He really does like some quiet time during the day and gets really upset without it.

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