Thursday 4 August 2011

Day 35 4/8/2011 New ability

Another big first today. Michael was quite relaxed this morning and I played with him for quite a while after I woke up. Eventually he had had enough and we went to give him a bath. He has seemes to be getting a bit panicky in the bath so we were extra careful and took him out as soon as he was clean, before he could get upset. He did cry a bit, and that's the news because he cried with real tears! He has cried many times before of course but never with tears. It's an achievement and a stage of his development, if a bit sad.
Here is a picture trying to get his first tears. I did comfort him after his photo shoot.

Rocio swaddled him and he slept in the manta on her back then later in the cot where he slept peacefully for two hours and woke up with no crying even during his nappy change. Defineltly he is trying to be a good boy.

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