Friday 30 September 2011

Day 91 29/09/2011 Jim Jams

Today Michael's medical card arrived in the post. So he has a National Health Service Number He is getting quite official these days. WE are waiting for his British passport and his Peruvian certificate of registration. He won't get his full Peruvian citizenship until we get back there.

Michael seems more and more secure these days, which is wonderful. He will often accept comforting from me now, he never would before. I know he still thinks Rocio is best (I tend to agree) but he does like to snuggle on my shoulder and let me cuddle him until he sleeps or is just content to let me carry him around looking at whatever I'm doing. It's an honour for me.
Here he is hanging out whilst Rocio and I hang out the washing. Obviously before his morning bath time 'cos he's still in his jim jams. Such a life of luxury he has.

It's been really hot the last couple of days and Michael is getting very thirsty. Of course everything he drinks comes from Rocio so this is a strain on her. We are thinking of giving Michael a little drink of juice when he gets thirsty in the hot weather. We've been told he could have very dilute apple juice. We'll see.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Day 90 28/09/2011 Big Spot

Michael had his BCG on 15th August and today it is starting to show. The place on his arm where the needle went in has developed a spot and it had a yellow head on it today while he was having his bath. We tried to be gentle with it but by the time he was dry and clothed the spot had burst. It all looks O.K. and doesn't seem to hurt him at all but we'll keep our eyes on it of course. I don't want to put the picture of his spot on first because whichever photo I put first it uses as an icon on the facebook so his is a picture taken in a reflection in a window of Mike and I on the patio having a look at the day.

and here is the spot

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Day 89 27/09/2011 Sleepy

A couple of times today Michael has fallen asleep on his own. Still a rare event. Once in his play pen where he usually dances about for 20 minutes or so and then wants to come out and later in his bouncy chair where he was just having a look around. Does this mean he is finally learning that when his is tired it might be a good idea to sleep? I guess not.

When he's not sleeping or feeding he's dancing of course

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Day 88 26/07/2011 By the clock

Michael is all about routine these days. He insists on waking up at about 7.00 and playing with Rocio around the house and on the patio (Though the smoking neighbours have come back from holiday now so they can't play out so much now). He likes his bath with splashing and his dancing with dad at 10.00 and so on...

Any change in routine sees to worry him him a bit so he keeps the whole household on schedule.

Monday 26 September 2011

Day 87 25/09/2011 Morning fun

Michael was brilliant again this morning, really making me laugh with his funny faces and funnier attitude. He is getting much handier at the minute. He still does not often like to hold things but he does more and more pull things to his mouth to investigate. He likes peek-a-boo too and the sticking the tongue out game is more popular than ever with him. Still during any prolonged playtime Michael always needs 20 minutes or so on his own with no-one talking to him. He lies in his chair or on the changing area smiling and kicking his legs and singing, lovely boy.

We went to the hackspace int he afternoon where Michael and Rocio played hiding under the tables.

and we invented a skating game for Michael

Day 86 24/09/2011 Buggy in town

Oops on Saturday I forgot to take any pictures of my boy before I went to work and I got back just after midnight so this picture was taken actually on the 24th but as Michael was born at 2.12 a.m. it still counts in a way as I have taken at least one picture of him ever 24 hours since he was born.

In the morning Rocio and Michael went shopping in the corner shop below our house, without her long cane. I think this means she now regards the shop as part of our home,she never uses her cane at home, perhaps it's just a big cupboard to her.

We went to town in the afternoon on the bus with Michael in the buggy. It is very different to going with Michael in a sling. Firstly we had to invent a good method of me guiding Rocio whilst she pushes Michael. It's not the same as the method we use to steer a shopping trolley between us but we worked something out. The big difference is no-one sees Rocio as blind when we have the buggy and I guess they don't know why we have to move as a group through the Saturday shopping crowds. The buggy does protect her from the constant stream fo people wanting to bump her (Like those wonderful parents who stop the traffic on a busy road by pushing their baby in the buggy out into the road eh?) but it is strange having Michael so far away. I can't see him when he is in the buggy. Michael seems t like it all though he slept or played all the way round town and he is getting heavier and heavier every day.

I did find out how hard it is to change a boy's nappy on the floor of the men's toilet whilst other men are knocking on the door to come in. Now I believe in baby changing rooms.

Day 85 23/09/2011 Buggy and Marcia

Rocio and Michael played for ages on the patio in the morning driving around and around in the buggy, Michael's car as it is now called.

Then a good snooze on the setee. Michael safely on his feeding cushion.

Michael had a nice day I think as Marcia came to visit again, bringing some very nice plum jam for Rocio and me.

Friday 23 September 2011

Day 84 22/09/2011 Weighing again

Today we went to get Michael weighed again. 6.08 Kg or 13 Lb 6 Oz. He weighs twice as much as when he was born. This means he is now officially half made of milk. It took him a bit more than 8 months to gain his first 3 Kg and only 12 weeks to gain the next.
Whilst we were there the nurse did his 12 week checkup. A brief assessment of his development. Everything is just fine. She noted that Michael can hold his own head up and bring things to his mouth to suck on and follow people with his eyes and copy facial expressions etc. The only thing we couldn't really tell her about was when she asked if he tries to get up on his hands when we leave him on his front. I don't think we do ever leave him on his front. He us usually so extremely stuffed full of milk that it has always seemed a bit cruel to lie him on his big fat belly. I did ask though and the nurse assures me that babies don't tend to do themselves harm by over eating, something I had been worrying about.
I managed to capture a few of his brilliant smiles on camera today. Like this.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Day 83 21/09/2011 The Silly Instinct

Michael was full of fun again today . I love to see it and every day he learns a little more. His latest game with me is copying. He will stick his tongue out at em and laugh if I do it to him. How do babies know what is funny? How does Michael know that that is a silly thing to do? A natural instinct for silliness I guess. Must have an evolutionary advantage.

Michael defiantly wants different things from Rocio than me. He seldom suckles me for milk these days, just sometimes and I think that's more for fun than because he really thinks I'm finally going to get real and start lactating. With me he really likes being bounced into the air when he stretches his legs, with Rocio he really likes walking up her like Batman used to do on buildings.Only Michael knows why the difference.

Day 82 20/09/2011 Toy Day

Funny thing happened. When I got home from work last night Michael was ready for a nappy change and I took him into the living room to sort him out as usual. He was still in a terrible angry crying mood. I still don't know why. So he shouted and cried all through the nappy change and I took him back to bed and Rocio had to work hard to calm him and get him back to sleep. So more of the same as before I went to work. But when he work up in the morning all was suddenly better and Michael was back to his wonderful morning self. He was dancing about in bed and entertaining us with his funny noises and really happy with life. When I took him for another nappy change he was completely different, laughing and smiling and obviously having a great time. I other word back to his normal self. It's all a mystery to me. I have no idea what changed int he few hours between.
Michael stayed the same all morning. I wish I knew what had been wrong but I guess I never will.

In the morning whilst having a mad 20 minutes in the bouncy chair Michael played with a teddy bear given him by his Aunty Christine (Soon to be God Mother), perhaps his first time ever actually holding something and playing with it. The few times he has seemed to be playing with the toys hanging over his bouncy chair it hasn't been much more than hitting them whilst dancing about with all arms and legs so perhaps just a side effect of all that movement but this time he was holding the bear and sucking it (Perhaps in that hopeful way he has of checking out everything just to see if it contains milk.) and I got it on camera !
Here he is my clever little boy.

Monday 19 September 2011

Day 81 19/09/2011 Crying Boy

Today Michael cried and cried in the morning. We did everything we could for him but he jsut cried. It's really distressing when we can't find out what he needs. He was feeding and feeding again. It looks like he is doing so much feeding to comfort himself or just because he can't resist it when he smells the milk on Rocio. I don't really know. I've no idea what he can be upset about except maybe if he is starting teething. I know it's too early but it's still my only guess. He cried and cried and Rocio did all she could for him and he still cried and I tried to help him and he did fall asleep in the sling on me for a little while, perhaps from exhaustion, but woke up to cry some more. We gave him a bath which he loves and he did manage to stop crying for a bit and even smile a little but then got upset in the bath and went back to crying when he was taken out.
The only thing that stops him crying is feeding but I'm frightened he'll explode if he eats much more!
By the time I had to go to work he had fed hugly again and fallen asleep. Rocio tells me he cried on and off all day. I wish I knew better how to help him. I hate to see him so upset.

Day 80 18/09/2011 Visiting the Vicar

We had a nice morning at Andrea's house although we did run out of nappies and have to go for a quick trip to Morrison's. Michael came with Andrea and me and was perfectly behaved, mostly sleeping in the sling.
Then we went to Mum's house and Michael had a fine time both with David and with Mum. They have bought a baby buggie for Michael and Mum took him for a tour of the garden in it.

When Michael was just starting to cry Mum told him to stop it and gave him the dummy. Despite early successes with the dummy I had almost given up on it. It's been weeks since Michael has accepted the dummy from me. Still he was very happy to take it from his Granny and they ended up laughing together, Michael using his his voice more than ever.

On the way to the vicar's it was raining and thundering and we were almost trapped in the car outside the vicarage. Just then Michael managed to fill his nappy and even had an escape that ran up his back. I don't usually give too many details of Michael's nappy business but this one was really impressive. It did require an almost complete clothing change there in the car before we could go into the vicarage.
Our meeting with the vicar went very well and Michael was at his charming best. Here is the vicar holding Michael.

Day 79 17/09/2011 Motorway and Andrea's

We messed about and got ready very slowly today to to go to Andrea's house. It was quite relaxing after a week of hurrying for me. We had a family lie in and plenty of playing with Michael in the morning.

We finally went off in the car towards Beverley, stopping for a long break at the motorway services and Rocio had a big fry up. Her tastes have changed so much since she has been feeding Michael. She never used to like much chocolate or margarine on sandwiches or fried food but now she does. Of course she is always thirsty and she often wants a big jug of herbal tea not a little mug full.

So here we are in the motorway services.

Michael was a bit whingey at Andrea's house, I don't know why, perhaps he just got too tired and we forgot his comfort things like his bouncy chair. Still we all slept really well and Michael seemed very happy in the big bed with us.

Day 78 16/09/2011 Doctors and Dorte

This morning we went to the doctor's for an 8.30 a.m. appointment for Rocio. This is very early for us but as Michael always like a good day out it was all fun for him. The surgery is not far away, about 10 minutes walking and Michael was in a good mood by the time we got there. We were just on time for the appointment but still had to wait for about 40 minutes. It was great though as we bumped into a good friend Dorte. She was the woman who gave Rocio massage whilst she was pregnant and it was great to see her again.
Here is Rocio holding Michael in the waiting room

Friday 16 September 2011

Day 77 15/09/2011 Bigger

Today I notinced that Michael is not a newborn any more. He's a real baby boy now. He is so strong and sturdy both in his body and character. He looked like a toddler in his dungarees today I could picture him toddling around the house getting his hands in to everything and running around in the park.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Day 76 14/09/2011 Finding his voice

Another fine morning dancing about with Michael for me. Such a morning boy. He is so full of fun it's hard for me to be my normal grumpy self in the mornings. He had he now usual fine time drenching the bathroom by stamping in the bath and he now almost always finds nappy changing funny too. He likes raspberries on the belly and I'm teaching him "Round and round the garden like a teddy bear" but so far he tends to laugh before the punchline.
Michael is finding his voice now. He makes all sorts of funny new noises each day now and some of them Rocio can interpret. He makes a perfect annoyed shout of "Mum!" when he wants Rocio to come and do something for him. All he needs now is to pronounce the word. She says he does this three times , waiting a minute or so between each and if she doesn't come fix him by the end of the third he starts crying for real.

He's also getting really good at smiling

And he never forgets to do his excercises

Day 75 13/9/2011 Sleepy boy

Michael is getting to really like sleeping in his cot at night. He used to never be happy in the night if he woke up and couldn't find Rocio but just recently he has changed to liking a bit more time alone. It's like the time he spends alone in his bouncy chair I guess. It's still hard to remember that sometimes what he needs when he is upset is leaving alone somewhere safe for a bit. It's difficult not to keep trying bouncing him or cuddling or walking about etc. The sleeping in the cot thing is really good thought it means more disturbance in the night for Rocio in a way as she has to get up to put him back in after night feeds. And we both miss him.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Day 74 12/09/2011 A Grand Day Out

Today Michael was in a strange mood sad and crying and happy and laughing. He kept sleeping and waking sleeping and waking all morning. Eventually he fell asleep in the manta and then slept for 3 1/2 hours in his cot after being put down. Then when he woke he wanted nothing more than to be on his changing mat wriggling about frantically. He does seem to have taken a real liking to the changing place, he will stay for ages there very happily amusing himself. Laughing, wavinghis arms and stamping his feet.

In the afternoon Michael was upset in the living room but happy when Rocio took him into the kitchen (With it's view of the patio) upset in the bedroom and happy again in the kitchen , upset in the bathroom and happy near the patio door , upset in the loo and happy in the kitchen again. It looked like he was hinting as much as possible that he wanted to got out. So Rocio took him onto the patio. He was quite happy at first but it has been an incredibly windy day and perhaps it was too much for him. So they played on the landing and up and down stairs. He was really satisfied woth this. Michael is funny, he sees spending time on the stairs as a day out!

Day 73 11/9/2011 Happy Sunday

Last night Michael slept for hours and hours without waking. Normally he wakes up two or three times in the noght for feeding but last night he slept from 9.00 p.m. 'til 6.00 a.m. Nine hours! Eventually Rocio woke him up for feeding, it's not good for him to go too long without food. Still it's nice to imagine him regularly sleeping through the night one day.

Today Michael had fun with us all morning, including making even more wetness by spalshing in the bath than last time. I'm so proud of him for it.
In the afternoon we went to the Hackspace again, our regular Sunday outing and Rocio had Michael on her back in the manta whilst she did sewing. He did need feeding once but was no problem at all. One of the hackspace members, Tony, is leaving the space so he bought everyone pizza to mark his last day. He is Michael enjoying the party.

In the hackspace there are so many different projects around and half built and so many people looking for parts for their things that you have to label anything you don't want messed up with a label saying "Do Not Hack" so for safty reasons I got one for Michael.

He seems suddenly much bigger now and so suddenly has a lot of clothes that fit him. We have been given a lot of clothes for him, which is great, and now every day we seem to be putting him in clothes he has never worn before, many of them brand new.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Day 72 10/09/2011 A lesson for us

The weekend at last. Rocio woke up early with Michael and he did a wee on her making the current score 24 to 11. Rocio still leading the way. She gave him a bath, which he enjoyed, but perhaps took him out too soon because he cried and cried. We are wondering now if that spoiled the whole day for him.
At 10 Rocio came back to bed with Michael and I looked after him whilst she went back to sleep. It's like a tag team thing sometimes. Michael and I went shopping at the corner shop downstairs for breakfast things where he was very popular of course. Everyone still admires his black hair which is getting longer and longer and still standing up.
We slowly got ready to go out to get Michael's passport photo taken. Michael was really grumpy. We think he was having his revenge for being so funny yesterday when we were grumpy with him. He slept and fed and cried on and off all day. We went around Mothercare, Toys R Us and eventually found a place for baby passport photos in a key cutter's and shoe repairer's. They had a special cushion to put on the floor to act as a background for the photo.

Perhaps the best bit of the day for Michael was going to Weatherspoons again where he had fun on the bench wriggling about and singing.

Still in the evening Mike was not at his best and after drinking milk 'til he nearly exploded we found again the only way to get him to sleep was dancing to the Drum 'n' Bass programme on Radio 1. I hope he is not making a habit of it.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Day 71 9/9/2011 the routine

Today Rocio and I woke up both feeling quite grumpy and Michael did his best to cheer us up! He was in a great mood and did all he could to make us laugh. We planned to go out shopping before I went to work but in the end we didn't manage it.

In the afternoon Rocio and Michael followed their usual routine, amusing Michael by putting the washing on the line, going up and down stairs, dancing to music (Erasure's I love to hate you. Not dedicated to anyone) and puting him in his bouncy chair to give Rocio time to use the computer.

Friday 9 September 2011

Day 70 8/9/2011 Average Boy

Thursday is baby weighing day. I know sometimes we go by mistake on a Wednesday but it really is Thursdays. We don't have to go every week as it's a drop in system, there are no appointments but we like to go at least every other week.This time we placed bets on how heavy Michael is before going. Last time, two weeks ago, he was 10 Lb 10 Oz and we both guessed in the 11 Lb range and we were both wrong.
When we got there we were expecting to see our normal health visitor Gail but we were told that she has moved to work somewhere else. We were very sad not to see her and that we didn't get to say goodbye. She was very good to us.

Michael is now 12 Lb 4 Oz or 5.56 Kg and he has gained compared to the norms for his age again he is now just below 50th percentile or to put it another way about average weight for his age. I thought at first when he was born that he is obviously a small boy. After all Peruvians are on average smaller than Britons so he might just be a small person, but he is now just about average according to the growth charts in the British medical information. Perhaps he's not a small person at all.
Here are Rocio and Michael waiting to go in to the health visitor's.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Day 69 7/9/2011 Making a splash

Today Mike woke up early as always but after having a really big morning feed unusually came back to bed and we all slept until 10.00 a.m. That's my waking up time but not his! It was lovely. Even when we did all wake up we spent a long time playing and being silly in the bedroom. Then after adult breakfast time we decided to give Michael an early bath. We hadn't been able to bath him in London so he probably needed it. He never seems to smell bad but I guess any nappy wearer deserves a cleanly washed bum regularly. So we got him ready and put him in. Mostly I held his head and Rocio washed him. The big difference today was how much he enjoyed it. Before if the bath went badly he would just cry and look really tense and if the bath went well he would allow himself to be floated about looking dreamy until it was time to get out. Today he discovered splashing the water by stamping his feet and he loved it. He was in for a record breaking long time and Rocio, the floor and I all got pretty wet by the end. I've really never seen him have so much fun with anything he has done himself. This wasn't him laughing because mummy is dancing him about or getting frantic because daddy is giving him raspberries on the belly. This was him finding his own fun splashing the water and doing it again and again.
He was still up for fun after he got out

By the time I was getting ready for work Michael had crashed and was soundly asleep.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 68 6/9/2011 Peruvian Enbassy again

Today we watched childrens telly with Michael in the hotel room. He did seem to enjoy it. He lay on the bed and pointed he head that way and wriggled happily about through Thomas Tank Engine, Little Princess, Noddy and Fifi and The Mr Men.

Michael slept though our bearkfast and then we went to spent hours at the Peruvian Embassy. They were nice enought there but it took ages and poor Michael got really bored. I took him for regular looks at the passing buses and Rocio fed him again and again but it's a really boring palece for him. Due to tecnical difficlulties we didn't in the end manage to do our jobs there, registering Michael with the Peruvian governmanet and ordering a Peruvian birth certificate for him. I really hope we don't have to go back again to get it done.

We got the bus back to Nottingham and decided not to stop off at Milton Keynes on the way back. Good job really as despite what our tickets said the bus didn't stop there anyway. Michael had some fun on the bus, charmed the people around, had a goo look at the passing traffic and had a good laugh too.

Michael was tired of travelling by the time we got home and as we had guessed wanted nothing so much as time not being bothered by anyone in his beloved bouncy chair.

Day 67 5/09/2011 Went to London

We planned to get up early and go to London today so we set our alarm clock but of course we didn't need it, Michael is the most reliable alarm clock in the house. He woke us up at 7.00 and I took him for play time in the living room. He was at his fantastic best, laughing, smiling, dancing to music and bouncing away on his strong legs. He kept me entertained for a good hour and I was exhausted afterwards.
We made it to the bus on time and went off towards London. We planned our journeys this time with a break at Milton Keynes. We were thinking that if Michael is getting restless by the time we get there we'll get off the bus and catch the later bus from there to London that we had booked, but if he is still O.K. we'll just stay on the bus straight to London. As it turned out Michael was a bit bored by the time we got to Milton Keynes so we got off and spent a couple of hours until our next bus came. Nothing very exciting, I still can't understand the magnetic attraction that Milton Keynes seems to hold for my passengers to London, but a nice relaxed time. Rocio fed Michael in the bus station waiting room. It was quite an experience for her. Mothers have a perfect, even a legal, right to feed their babies wherever they want but Rocio does usually try to find soemhwere a bit discrete. Milton Keynes has the most dismal baby changing room we have so far seen. It's like a broom cupboard with a little sink and a bare stainless steel shelf to put baby on. No kind of chair in there at all but you wouldn't want to sit and feed in that cupboard anyway. Outside it was sunny but a bit too windy for sitting and feeding anyway there are no seats outside just leaning posts. So Rocio sat in the middle of the waiting room and fed Michael. She says she is getting used to getting her breasts out in public. No-one seemed to care and we don't care if they care anyway.
The hotel was fine, much nicer than last time. It had a balcony which was a life saver. Several times Michael was betting upset or bored, especially when Rocio was showering or such like and as soon as I took him onto the balcony to have a look at the traffic he calmed down and was fine. Rocio and Michael snuggled in bed and watched Coronation Street.

Day 66 4/09/2011 Sunday Hackspace

This moring we got up and just mooched around the house. Michael was full of fun all morning. I don't know where he gets it from but he's a real morning person. Neither Rocio or I are morning people but it's worth while getting up as early as possible to catch Michael at his best. Here he is dancing to some Brazilian accordion music

By 7.00 a.m. Michael is always ready for action. He wants to dance around and make funny noises and he likes raspberries on the belly and bouncing on his powerful legs. He is plenty strong enough to hold his weight on his legs for a long time and plenty strong enough to hold his head up and look around. He can't balance himself of course, I wouldn't expect him to yet, but he has strength to spare. He is funny in what he does rather than what he can do. He still almost never holds a finger placed in his hand. I thought all babies did that by instinct. He loves to look to the right when he is thinking rather than actually looking at something. Often Michael gets upset and after trying everything to find out what is wrong we finally discover that he wants to be left alone in his bouncy chair with no-one bothering him for about 20 minutes. Funny boy. He just sits there wriggling a little bit and looking around him.

In the afternoon we all went to the Hackspace, Michael sleeping in the manta on Rocio's back. I worked building the braille printer and Rocio managed to get some practice with her Perkins Braille typewriter before Michael needed feeding again. I took Michael for a tour of the space to show him all the power tools and rooms full of funny gear and the group of people in there playing a really complicated board game. He loves to be shown stuff. We bought chinese takeaway on the way home and Michael stopped Rocio from finishing hers by demanding to be fed first. It's getting much easier to go out and about with Michael. Which is good because he is getting more and more keen on being outside.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Day 65 03/09/2011 Ill Behaviour

Today we almost woke up together. Usually Mike and Rocio wake hours before me. They go to bed hours before me too. Michael was really not his best this morning, very grumpy. So we got out into town as soon as possible. He always likes to be in town and today was the same. We went and bought coach tickets for London and to a cafe for breakfast. On the way we bumped into our good friend Julia. We haven't seen her for months and it was great to see her. We didn't manage to get her to come to eat with us but she did promise to see us again soon. We'll see. We were in the cafe for ages and after a good dance

Mike mostly slept. He did get restless eventually and I calmed him by showing him the buses coming and going at the bus stop outside. When he had really had enough we went to the baby changing room at Debenhams. It is far from being the best changing room in Nottingham. It is small and smelly. It was really busy in there, especially with the baby buggies driving in and out. Quite a friendly place though, always someone to chat to about babies. Michael had a feed and we went off around town and Michael cried and cried and we went back to Debenhams for him to feed again.
This evening he has been really upset he just wants to eat and eat and eat. He is really full now and it looks like his little belly is about to explode. The only way we have found to calm him is listening to Radio 1's Drum and Bass programme. So I have danced about the kitchen with him for ages and now we have it on in the bedroom and he is finally asleep. We will put up with a bit more of this dreadful music if it helps our boy cope with his illness.

Day 64 2/09/2011 Under The Weather

Today we went in the morning to the Council House in Nottingham market square for an appointment to have Rocio's application for British Citizenship checked over and submitted.
Michael is really not at his best today. One of his legs is a bit swollen from the injection yesterday and he seems a bit sad and floppy. I feel so sorry for him, he doesn't even know that he is ill and he is such a star. He just wants more than ever to be with Mum and have all her attention. Then he eats and sleeps.
He flopped through most of the appointment and fed for the last bit. All quite relaxed looking in the Baba sling. He did manage to charm the woman checking the form even though he is not at all up to his normal energy levels.
Michael stayed awake but floppy all round town and until we got home. I've never seen him ill before. It's really sad.

Day 63 1/09/2011 Birthday Present

Today Michael is officially two months old. For a special treat for him we went to the doctor's and got him about five serious illnesses all of them potentially fatal I think. It's true. It was the time for Michael's first in the regular series of immunisations. It all went quite well I think, though Michael was crying before the needles went in, one in each thigh, and he cried a lot after. He was fine again just a couple of minutes later and I really do think this is important. The strange thing about immunisations for these diseases is no-one really remembers what the diseases are actually like so we worry about how the immunisation will go and if Michael will have a small fever and sore legs for a couple of days. These are reasonable concerns but Yellow Fever, or Hepatitis or whatever are serious nasty killers. The evidence is all in long ago for these injections and it shows they are safe. And if anyone tells you that MMR injection causes autism 'cos of the thimerosal they are just plain wrong and Dr Wakefield has the deaths of many children to his credit is a Doctor no more. Rant over.

The main thing to remember is my little boy will not die of or suffer from any of these nasty illnesses.
Does he look convinced?

Thursday 1 September 2011

Day 62 31/08/2011 Rest and Play

Sometime a snooze on the settee is called for. The long sling keeps Michael snug and safe

Then Mum and Baby are ready for time playing on the patio.

Rocio had the heating on for the first time in Michael's life and they were 'so hot we didn't know what to do'.