Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 66 4/09/2011 Sunday Hackspace

This moring we got up and just mooched around the house. Michael was full of fun all morning. I don't know where he gets it from but he's a real morning person. Neither Rocio or I are morning people but it's worth while getting up as early as possible to catch Michael at his best. Here he is dancing to some Brazilian accordion music

By 7.00 a.m. Michael is always ready for action. He wants to dance around and make funny noises and he likes raspberries on the belly and bouncing on his powerful legs. He is plenty strong enough to hold his weight on his legs for a long time and plenty strong enough to hold his head up and look around. He can't balance himself of course, I wouldn't expect him to yet, but he has strength to spare. He is funny in what he does rather than what he can do. He still almost never holds a finger placed in his hand. I thought all babies did that by instinct. He loves to look to the right when he is thinking rather than actually looking at something. Often Michael gets upset and after trying everything to find out what is wrong we finally discover that he wants to be left alone in his bouncy chair with no-one bothering him for about 20 minutes. Funny boy. He just sits there wriggling a little bit and looking around him.

In the afternoon we all went to the Hackspace, Michael sleeping in the manta on Rocio's back. I worked building the braille printer and Rocio managed to get some practice with her Perkins Braille typewriter before Michael needed feeding again. I took Michael for a tour of the space to show him all the power tools and rooms full of funny gear and the group of people in there playing a really complicated board game. He loves to be shown stuff. We bought chinese takeaway on the way home and Michael stopped Rocio from finishing hers by demanding to be fed first. It's getting much easier to go out and about with Michael. Which is good because he is getting more and more keen on being outside.

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