Thursday 22 September 2011

Day 82 20/09/2011 Toy Day

Funny thing happened. When I got home from work last night Michael was ready for a nappy change and I took him into the living room to sort him out as usual. He was still in a terrible angry crying mood. I still don't know why. So he shouted and cried all through the nappy change and I took him back to bed and Rocio had to work hard to calm him and get him back to sleep. So more of the same as before I went to work. But when he work up in the morning all was suddenly better and Michael was back to his wonderful morning self. He was dancing about in bed and entertaining us with his funny noises and really happy with life. When I took him for another nappy change he was completely different, laughing and smiling and obviously having a great time. I other word back to his normal self. It's all a mystery to me. I have no idea what changed int he few hours between.
Michael stayed the same all morning. I wish I knew what had been wrong but I guess I never will.

In the morning whilst having a mad 20 minutes in the bouncy chair Michael played with a teddy bear given him by his Aunty Christine (Soon to be God Mother), perhaps his first time ever actually holding something and playing with it. The few times he has seemed to be playing with the toys hanging over his bouncy chair it hasn't been much more than hitting them whilst dancing about with all arms and legs so perhaps just a side effect of all that movement but this time he was holding the bear and sucking it (Perhaps in that hopeful way he has of checking out everything just to see if it contains milk.) and I got it on camera !
Here he is my clever little boy.

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