Friday 23 September 2011

Day 84 22/09/2011 Weighing again

Today we went to get Michael weighed again. 6.08 Kg or 13 Lb 6 Oz. He weighs twice as much as when he was born. This means he is now officially half made of milk. It took him a bit more than 8 months to gain his first 3 Kg and only 12 weeks to gain the next.
Whilst we were there the nurse did his 12 week checkup. A brief assessment of his development. Everything is just fine. She noted that Michael can hold his own head up and bring things to his mouth to suck on and follow people with his eyes and copy facial expressions etc. The only thing we couldn't really tell her about was when she asked if he tries to get up on his hands when we leave him on his front. I don't think we do ever leave him on his front. He us usually so extremely stuffed full of milk that it has always seemed a bit cruel to lie him on his big fat belly. I did ask though and the nurse assures me that babies don't tend to do themselves harm by over eating, something I had been worrying about.
I managed to capture a few of his brilliant smiles on camera today. Like this.

1 comment:

  1. oh what a happy cute boy, and healthy too! Auntie sharron


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