Thursday 15 September 2011

Day 76 14/09/2011 Finding his voice

Another fine morning dancing about with Michael for me. Such a morning boy. He is so full of fun it's hard for me to be my normal grumpy self in the mornings. He had he now usual fine time drenching the bathroom by stamping in the bath and he now almost always finds nappy changing funny too. He likes raspberries on the belly and I'm teaching him "Round and round the garden like a teddy bear" but so far he tends to laugh before the punchline.
Michael is finding his voice now. He makes all sorts of funny new noises each day now and some of them Rocio can interpret. He makes a perfect annoyed shout of "Mum!" when he wants Rocio to come and do something for him. All he needs now is to pronounce the word. She says he does this three times , waiting a minute or so between each and if she doesn't come fix him by the end of the third he starts crying for real.

He's also getting really good at smiling

And he never forgets to do his excercises


  1. goodness he's getting so big and strong(and cute)! Has he had a hair cut yet? Remember to keet some when he does. Soon be crawling!

    Auntie Sharron

  2. Rocio won't let me cut his hair with my machine.
    And It's still growing up up up !


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