Saturday 3 September 2011

Day 63 1/09/2011 Birthday Present

Today Michael is officially two months old. For a special treat for him we went to the doctor's and got him about five serious illnesses all of them potentially fatal I think. It's true. It was the time for Michael's first in the regular series of immunisations. It all went quite well I think, though Michael was crying before the needles went in, one in each thigh, and he cried a lot after. He was fine again just a couple of minutes later and I really do think this is important. The strange thing about immunisations for these diseases is no-one really remembers what the diseases are actually like so we worry about how the immunisation will go and if Michael will have a small fever and sore legs for a couple of days. These are reasonable concerns but Yellow Fever, or Hepatitis or whatever are serious nasty killers. The evidence is all in long ago for these injections and it shows they are safe. And if anyone tells you that MMR injection causes autism 'cos of the thimerosal they are just plain wrong and Dr Wakefield has the deaths of many children to his credit is a Doctor no more. Rant over.

The main thing to remember is my little boy will not die of or suffer from any of these nasty illnesses.
Does he look convinced?

1 comment:

  1. bless him! Yes I agree with all you said (crap present though, what're you planning for his 1st birthday - nuclear war?!)LOL

    My doctor at the time had children the same age as annie and bob, and he told me he'd had his kids 'done'.......which was good enough for me.

    It is awful when we sometimes have to hurt or upset our kids, goes against every parental instinct, but you know it's for their good.

    Auntie sharron


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