Friday 9 September 2011

Day 70 8/9/2011 Average Boy

Thursday is baby weighing day. I know sometimes we go by mistake on a Wednesday but it really is Thursdays. We don't have to go every week as it's a drop in system, there are no appointments but we like to go at least every other week.This time we placed bets on how heavy Michael is before going. Last time, two weeks ago, he was 10 Lb 10 Oz and we both guessed in the 11 Lb range and we were both wrong.
When we got there we were expecting to see our normal health visitor Gail but we were told that she has moved to work somewhere else. We were very sad not to see her and that we didn't get to say goodbye. She was very good to us.

Michael is now 12 Lb 4 Oz or 5.56 Kg and he has gained compared to the norms for his age again he is now just below 50th percentile or to put it another way about average weight for his age. I thought at first when he was born that he is obviously a small boy. After all Peruvians are on average smaller than Britons so he might just be a small person, but he is now just about average according to the growth charts in the British medical information. Perhaps he's not a small person at all.
Here are Rocio and Michael waiting to go in to the health visitor's.

1 comment:

  1. Good lad! They say you can predict eventual height based on baby's height and rate of growth in first 6 months, certainly I was told Bob would be tall.


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