Saturday 26 November 2011

Day 148 25/11/11 Mr Independent

Friday is drop in centre play group day and today Mike and Mum went in a taxi without me. Michael must be getting a bit more used to the place and people now as he was in the play room without Rocio for about 15 minutes. Eventually he got upset and was crying very sadly. Of course the staff brought him straight back to Mum and everything was O.K. I know I keep saying this but I'm really proud of him. Eventually Rocio will have a little time off.

Oh and Rocio got a letter inviting her to be a British Citizen today! I think she will say yes. Her ceremony will be on Tuesday 6th December at the local town hall.

Day 147 24/11/11 Shopping with Mandy

Rocio Michael and volunteer Mandy went shopping in town today. I think they had a good time although again someone bumped into Michael's head waking him up and earning Rocio's wrath. The main thing to buy was buckets for the reusable nappies. We are making the effort with these again. I'm not very impressed with these nappies really. They don't seem to be shaped like a human baby, so they push Michael's legs out sideways and they don't hold the liquid like a disposable so they leak and we have to change Michale's clothes several times more a day. Still we will try again with them. It's a pity we missed the Napuccino even in the library in town where we could have got some expert advice.

Ooop I forgot to take pictures of Mike in the morning so here's one taken after midnight but before his birth time

Thursday 24 November 2011

Day 146 23/11/11 Official Peruvian

This morning as I was playing with Michael and before I had got properly dressed we had a knock on the door. This never happens because our flat is upstairs and the neighbours don't usually visit. It turned out to be the postman who had decided to come into the house (I guess someone forgot to lock the outside door) come upstairs, cross the patio and knock on an unmarked door that is our back door but happens to be the only onw we usually use. He wanted a parcel signing for which was Michael's Peruvian passport.
I had been worried about this as we had checked on the Peruvian Embassy website to see when it was ready for collection/posting and they had spelt his name wrongly there. Luckily it is O.K. on the passport. So now Michael is a Peruvian citizen and a British Citizen. This will save a lot of problems in the future.

Day 145 22/11/11 Leonard Cheshire

This morning Rocio went off with Michael in a taxi to Leonard Cheshire care home where Rocio used to do voluntary work before we had Michael. They are always pleased to see her there, staff and residents and I'm sure Michael made his usual good impression. Some of the staff were a bit too busy but still had time to greet Michael and Rocio.
They left with new volute er there called Nataly and Rocio went via the post office to used the cash point. There she met a man who asked her to read a card he was carrying that was written in braille. She says it said "Notts Police" and a number. That's when he told her he was a police man and he helped her to get a taxi. All very nice but Rocio asked the taxi driver about the man and he told her the man wasn't a police man, that the man looked too old and not in uniform. Very strange. Even if the man is a retired police man surely he shouldn't still have a police ID.

In the afternoon Michael's god mother Marcia came to visit and gave him his first ever Christmas present. Michael gave Marcia a small sick stain on her lap. Another honor.
After Marcia had gone and Michael was playing in his bouncy chair he somehow managed to get hold of his Christmas present, still in it's wrapping and plastic bag. He pulled it towards him and was sucking the plastic when Rocio found him. He'll be trouble that boy when he gets a bit older.

Day 144 21/11/11 Toast and Peek a Boo

Michael is more and more interested in our food. This morning he really wanted some toast. He was reaching out to grab it in a way he never does with toys. So we gave him some. He was really happy sucking it and squashing it in his hands. I guess he ate some and definitely had a good time with it.

We went early to peek-a-boo today so that Rocio could learn the actions that go with the songs they sing there. I could only stay for the learning not the actual group but it was still fun. Michael particularly liked "Row row row your boat".
Michael enjoys playing with the other babies more and more. Rocio says she had a cup of tea whilst the other mothers played with Michael. He also like the soft play area.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Day 143 20/11/11 Swimming

Michael has developed the habit of grumbling when he is not happy, a sort of GGGRRRR noise that fails to earn him any sympathy

We were finally ready today for the thing I have been looking forward to for longer than Michael has been alive, going swimming with him. We decided to go back to the baths in West Bridgford where Rocio and I used to go before Mike was born. The baths where Rocio once got stuck half way down the water slide and I smashed into her as I came down after, but that's another story. We had it all worked out fro Michael with his swimming nappies and a pair of baby trunks to go over the top and we went in the disabled changing room so we could all be together.
The pool has an adult area and a children's area with a little island to climb on and dolphin sculptures that squirt water. There is also a babies area so that's where we went. The trouble is is was damned cold in there. Michael cried and tensed up as soon as we put him in it and even though he relaxed a bit he was obviously not enjoying it. After about a minute he started shivering and we took him out. He warmed up in the shower in the changing room and started laughing again but it was all terribly disappointing. After we had got changed we went to ask for our money back, which they gave without a problem. I think they already knew the baths are too cold.
There were other children in the pool and even in the babies area. None as young as Michael. But they were running around. Michael is too small to run around to keep warm. The baby area must be the warmest part of the pool, but it wasn't. I guess we will never go back to Rushcliffe Leisure Centre again. I only wished I'd taken the Little thermometer I use to test Mike's bath water with. It really was terribly cold in there for a little boy.
So we got home and Ran a very deep and warm bath and Michael and Rocio played in there fro a long time together. Much happy squealing and splashing from Michael. Wonderful.

While Rocio was finishing her bath in peace I held Michael on my lap and he suddenly discovered his own foot. Deputy leader of the Labour Party 1976 to 1980.

After such a busy day Michael was too excited to sleep at bedtime but in the end crashed out. Here he is sleeping like an angel.

Day 142 19/11/2011 Visiting Euan and Abeja

We went to visit our friends Alex and Annie today and their little boy Euan. Also and most exciting for us to see their little girl Abeja for the first time. I know I'm getting her name wrong but it's something I hadn't heard before and I'm sorry I didn't ask how to spell it. It also look slike I didn't take any pictures of her though both Rocio and I got to hold her a bit. She is tiny, only a few weeks old and we had forgotten of course that Michael used to be small once upon a time. Euan and Michael had fun laughing at each other and Eucan was proud to show Michael his toy slide. Michael enjoyed going down that (With my help a bit) and they took turns on Euan's electric motorbike.

It was great to see them get on so well.

Day 141 18/11/2011 Official Briton

Michael's British passport arrived today! I'm so proud of him, he is an official Briton now. He already doesn't look like the boy in the picture but I guess that must always happen in baby passports.

We only need one more for him to complete his set. I'm sure all this mucking about will save a whole world of problems for him later in life. There's no reason he should have to get a visa to be in Peru like I do, or permission to live in England as Rocio does.

Day 140 17/11/11 Big Lie In

Despite yesterday's blog about routine Michael had a lie in today until 10 O'clock. He woke as usual in his cot. Gone are the days when there was any chance of him sleeping with us. He demands his private sleep space now and is very happy in the cot although I don't know how much longer he will fit in it. He used to be so small he would almost fit sideways and now we worry that if he pushed his legs out suddenly at the bottom he will smack his head at the top end. Well he woke and wanted to play with us in the bed but after a few minutes he fell asleep and only woke up wanting feeding. So Rocio fed him in bed and he fell asleep again until 10ish. This must be a record for him he is usually so regular. He didn't even seem to be put off by the changing of the clocks this autumn. He still wakes at 7. We are hoping his new habit is waking at 10 but I doubt it.
Volunteer Mandy came today and Michael look very happy to see her. They had a nice game together whilst I got ready for work and Rocio did jobs in the house.

Day 139 16/11/2011 Tubbie Morning

We have a new routine. Rocio wakes up when Michael demands in the morning, usually at about 7 a.m. Michael has always been very good at sleeping through the night, only waking for a feed once or twice int he night, perhaps waking for a play with me when I get home from work and then sleeping again. He does however always want to be up and out of the bedroom at about 7 a.m. Just being awake and in our bed bouncing about will not do. He demand to be out about the house at least. So Rocio has to get up and care for him. HE makes Rocio entertain him and not nod off on the settee. Eventually they go for Michael's bath time and such and play more until 10 when I usually wake. I'm not just being lazy as I don't get in from work until late and don't sleep until 2 a.m.
Then I take Michael while Rocio goes for a snooze for an hour or so. This has become our tellietubbie time of day. We sit and watch stuff together while Michael bounces and perhaps chews a toy. I'm amazed by his concentration and enthusiasm. He loves wathching stuff ont he screen and seems to have some favourites. Tellie tubbies are good but he seems bored by the bits when they just dance about. He doesn't really like the parts with video of children doing things either. He likes the bits where the tubbies interact with each other, talking (in Spanish) and hugging and giving things to each other.
I've tried him with various different porgrammes and I'm tring to find out what he wants. I'm enjoying watching all this to and find myself huming the tellit tubbies theme at work sometimes.

Day 138 15/11/11 Post Office

We went this morning to the post office to send an SAE to the Peruvian embassy to receive Michael's Peruvian passport. This has been another long wait for us. Rocio once called England "The land of waiting" and she still does. She has had to wait so many times for so many worrying and important things since she has been here. Finally we have been told that Michael's Peruvian passport is ready and so we now eagerly await it turning up here at our house.

Michael was grumpy again in the morning and as we left home but he always likes to go out somewhere and so even though the office is only two minutes away in the car he was happy by the time we got there. I managed to confuse the poor people in the office by wanting a return envelope and wanting a padded envelope inside it and wanting Rocio's passport weighed in it although I didn't want to send her passport anywhere but we got it all sorted out.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Day 137 14/11/2011 Pumpkin Pyjamas

As part of Children in Need the babies at Peek-a-Boo had to go today in their pyjamas. Michael chose his funny pumpkin pyjamas. Michael never seems to mid people laughing. He always assumes they are laughing with him. They ate cake and biscuits and sang the nursery rhymes and had their photos taken.

On getting home Mike was still not tired and so needed a jolly good bothering by Mum.

Day 136 13/11/2011 Pear Juice

We made some pear juice for Michael today with the liquidiser and this time it was a great success. He not only drank most of it straight away but he held his cup with no problems and got it to his mouth when he wanted it with no problem at all. It's like he hasn't had to learn coordination he can just do it. I'm so proud of him.

Here is a video where we just missed the important moment

Day 135 12/11/2011 Tea Cakes

We went for a long walk in the woods today but before setting off we got ready by calling in at the cafe for coffees and toasted tea cakes. Michael of course charmed all the staff and visitors in there. Here is Michael having his first tea cake.

Here is mike playing maraca in the evening

maraca fun 12-11-11

It was a lovely walk through the woods. Michael slept a lot and enjoyed the view quite a lot too.

Day 134 11/11/11 Drop in Again

We went to the Drop in Centre again today. Rocio and I helped decorate some baubles for Christmas and drank a nice cup of tea before I went with Michael into the play room for some fun. We met our fried of last time, a little boy called Logan, who brought us an endless supply of toys to look at and Michel sat with everyone else at the table while they had their juice and fruit. I gave Michael a slice of pear to suck on but he wasn't really interested. He prefers to watch what all the others are doing. I did try to give Michael to on of the the staff there to hold whilst I sat next to him but he cried really sadly straight away so I took him back. I'm sure he will love to be in there without Rocio or me but he's not quite ready yet.

Day 133 10/11/2011 T.V.

Michael and I have started watching TellyTubbies together. He seems to really like it though he does like to have a toy to chew at the same time. We watch it in Spanish though much of it has no words at all. Michael sits on my legs and we watch and bouncy along with the songs. I'm surprise how long Michael can concentrate for. The episodes are very long. Now I'm thinking of what telly programmes are really decent and necessary to his healthy development. We don't actually have a television, we watch things on the computer but I like this because we have to choose what to see rather than putting on a channel of stuff.
Here he is sleeping in the kitchen early in the morning.

Day 132 09/11/2011 Always something

There is always something new that Michael is learning. Michael has decided that he will learn to sit up. He has always been like this I guess. He suddenly decides that he can do something or at least that is is time to learn it. I remember that for a long time (as it seemed at the time) Michael never would hold anything in his hands and would not even grip my finger. Then one day he would and now he is getting very agile with his fingers and seems to have no problem with hand to eye coordination. He always reaches the right distance for something he wants to hold and can get whatever part of it to his mouth that he wants whatever the shape and size may be. He can now be relied upon the thoroughly investigate any toy you pass to him and he often distracts himself this way for quite a long time.
It seems that he has never made any effort to sit up until now when he has suddenly decided to try it. It is still a bit hit and miss he will sit while he feels like it and crash over without a care as soon as he stops trying.

Day 131 08/11/2011 Rocio's Birthday

For Rocio's birthday we went into town and bought toys for Michael and a CD of Nursery Rhymes. Then we went to buy a food liquidiser, inspired by the weaning group information. We have tried the liquidiser on some pears and apples and made some nice fruit juices for Michael which he didn't drink so Rocio and I finished them for him.

Day 130 07/11/11 Peek a boo

Rocio and Michael went to Peek-a-Boo today. This is a parent and little baby group at the Access Centre. They sing songs and drink tea and let the little ones play together. Rocio and Michael are both learning the English nursery rhymes.

Day 129 06/11/11 Car Boot

We went to the car boot sale today with Michael in his papoose. He really seems to like it in there he fell asleep almost straight away and slept through the car boot completely only waking up when we had left and were int he car park outside trying to fit the car CD player we had bought.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Day 128 05/11/2011 Fireworks Day

We forgot that it was fireworks day until it got dark and the sounds of the fireworks started coming in. We still managed to get out and across town to the big display in Forest Fields. We were not sure if Michael would like it, he sometimes gets quite upset by sudden noises but we thought it was worth a try. If he got upset we would just go home. Here is Michael trying out the papoose. Getting ready for his first long journey in it.

So after a frustrating time stuck in traffic trying to get near the place we finally arrived and walked through the crowd at the fun fair section and after buying some very nice hot chestnuts we stood in the crowd looking at the bonfire and waiting for the display. Despite the very loud music and the pushing crowds Michael had fallen deeply asleep. When the first big bang of the display started Michael woke with a jump but he didn't cry and was soon fascinated with the noises and lights.

We went for chip on the way home and tried to get Michael to do his trick

Monday 7 November 2011

Day 127 04/11/2011 Drop in Centre

We went back to the drop in centre today and it was much more fun now it's open. We were welcomed and introduced to the Mums (all mums no dads) and given tea and biscuits. Rocio sat and chatted while I took Michael into the play room to experience all the toddlers running about and shouting. It was all no problem for him and he enjoyed each toy that a little boy called Logan brought him. Michael sat with everyone whilst they had their juice and fruit. I held him up on the chair and he seemed to love being in teh action. He didn't eat the piece of pear they I gave him and he's too little for juice but He did enjoy it. We'll definitely go back again although it does clash with Bumps and Babies.

Michael enjoyed a squeeky toy. I love this video

Day 126 03/11/2011 Weaning and Immunisation

Today we went to the second of our Baby Weaning classes. It was good fun and informative. We the adults were given pizza and Michael was given a bowl, spoon and a container for the spoon too! Michael really enjoyed the bean bag to sit on. He is getting very good at sitting up now when he wants too, though often he is quite happy to fall whichever way he happens to fall.

Then when the volunteer came they went for Michael's final immunisation of this series. I'm told he didn't like it at all and his legs swelled up in the evening and he was quite upset all afternoon. Still the swelling is unpleasant for him but it's a good sign I think. It shows that his body now has an immediate ans strong immune response to those infections. That's what we want to see.

Day 125 02/11/2011 Passport

We finally sent off Michael's application form for his Brritish Passport today. We had a long delay while we arranged a time to go use the passport checking service at a post office but now it's done. His Peruvian passport is ready for picking up in London too. He is getting very official.

Here's a video of Michael buried in toys

Day 124 01/11/2011 Toys toys toys

Suddenly Michael likes toys. Anything you give him in his hands he will investigate and taste and play with. He really likes his noisy toys and his butterfly that has lots of textures and colours. He loves the toys dangling from the bouncy chair and his toy camera that does all sorts of things when you push it's many buttons.

Here's Michael doing his Bee Gee's impression

Sunday 6 November 2011

Day 123 31/10/2011 Recovery

I guess we must be recovering from the big day yesterday. We only took one picture of Michael today. Here it is.

Day 122 30/10/2011 Christening Day

Here is Michael with his cousin Annie

Today was Michael's christening day in Goodmanham. I
It was the changing of the clocks and by a small miracle Michael slept until 9 O'clock by his body time, 8 O'clock official. Mum (Michael's Granny) had done days of work in cooking a preparing for the guests and was still working hard all morning. I'm sorry we didn't help much, we gave Michael a bath and got ourselves ready.
Here is Michael in his smart party suit.

Just before all the guests started arriving Michael fell asleep in his chair. I think this was very good timing from him as he was going to need all his energies for the rest of a busy day.

Michael was passed around quite a lot during the party and though I think he had a good time he never seemed very happy away from Rocio and me for very long. Here he is with Auntie Sharron.

After much party and eating and pass the Michael it was time to go to the church. We had decided to walk to church and Rocio and I prepared ourselves and went upstairs for a final 'comfort stop' before leaving. We didn't know what facilities the church would have. It seems that everyone thought we had gone on ahead as everyone then left and we nearly got locked in the house as the others left for the church for a christening without a baby. Still we managed to escape and set off walking to the church, somewhat behind the others now and we had not got far when we realised we had forgotten the Michael's christening clothes and the possibly essential 'Baby bag' containg nappies and such like. We had to phone for help and David drove back to let us back into the house or Michael would have missed his own christening for the second time.
I'll not put pictures from the church here as I still have many to organise and I'll post them separately.
Here is Michael in the after party with both Marcia and Hinrich two of his God parents who came up from Nottingham to do him the honour.

Michael was wonderful and full of interest and fun in the parties and in the church. I'm sure he had a good time and he was still having fun in the car on the way back to Nottingham in the evening.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Day 121 29/10/2011 All or Nothing

Today we went to Mum's (Michael's Granny's) house to be ready for Mike's christening tomorrow. We took the usual baby bag and extra clothes fro Michael but this time we took his favour tie bouncy chair as well. This should make him much happier in Mum's house. He really like a quiet time in his chair sometimes. I think he enjoyed the car journey and the motorway services although he is a bit all or nothing today. I think he has a cold (His first proper illness) and he is either happy or shouting/crying. I always thing that Michael is quite amazing as he will laugh at me puling silly faces, in the middle of him having a big cry, and go straight back to crying. It's as if he is upset but still trying his best to have a good time. He really wants to be in a good mood.

Day 120 28/10/2011 Half Term

We went to a new baby group this morning run by the people who send a volunteer to Rocio to help her get out and about. Thing is no-one was there because it's half term. How were we to know? We have never had to think about half term before. Perhaps it's starts here. We have to run our lives around school term times from now on.

Day 119 27/10/2011 Eyebrow Game

Today was baby weighing day but we decided not to go. Michale is well and healthy and happy and we are not worried about him. He is definitely getting heavier and more solid and we will probably go next week to get him weighed.

The fun game of the day has been The Eyebrow Game. Michael and I look at each other, perhaps across the room and Michael makes out he is all serious until I wiggle my eyebrows and then he cracks up. We can repeat this many many time and it doesn't get old fro Michael. He makes it all worth while for me each time with huge open mouth laugh.
He eye sight is either getting better or perhaps he is just paying more attention to things further away because I can often get a smile out of his from across the room or through he window these days.

Day 118 26/10//2011 Teddy Mum

Rocio was planning to stay home this afternoon with Michael but just before I went to work Rocio's friend Kerrisia phoned and they decided to meet in town. I dropped Rocio and Michael off near the bus station and whilst I worried about them they went off to meet Kerrisia. I'm told they had a good time going shopping, two blind ladies and a baby, though Michael didn't want to be held by anyone else but Rocio which made it hard for her to try things on. Rocio bought a lovely furry jacket to wear a t the christening and I think Michael likes it becuase it's like haveing a furry teddy Mum.

Day 117 25/10/2011 Singing

Michael has a new game. O.k. Michael always has a new game, he's very inventive and loves to have fun.
His new game is called singing. He like to shout and squeal, especially when I join in with him. We take it in turns to make silly noises and often end up doing a silly noise duet. If I stop he gets a bit shy and quiet but if I join in with sufficient enthusiasm we can build up and up until I'm sure the neighbours really appreciate it.