Sunday 20 November 2011

Day 140 17/11/11 Big Lie In

Despite yesterday's blog about routine Michael had a lie in today until 10 O'clock. He woke as usual in his cot. Gone are the days when there was any chance of him sleeping with us. He demands his private sleep space now and is very happy in the cot although I don't know how much longer he will fit in it. He used to be so small he would almost fit sideways and now we worry that if he pushed his legs out suddenly at the bottom he will smack his head at the top end. Well he woke and wanted to play with us in the bed but after a few minutes he fell asleep and only woke up wanting feeding. So Rocio fed him in bed and he fell asleep again until 10ish. This must be a record for him he is usually so regular. He didn't even seem to be put off by the changing of the clocks this autumn. He still wakes at 7. We are hoping his new habit is waking at 10 but I doubt it.
Volunteer Mandy came today and Michael look very happy to see her. They had a nice game together whilst I got ready for work and Rocio did jobs in the house.

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