Sunday 20 November 2011

Day 143 20/11/11 Swimming

Michael has developed the habit of grumbling when he is not happy, a sort of GGGRRRR noise that fails to earn him any sympathy

We were finally ready today for the thing I have been looking forward to for longer than Michael has been alive, going swimming with him. We decided to go back to the baths in West Bridgford where Rocio and I used to go before Mike was born. The baths where Rocio once got stuck half way down the water slide and I smashed into her as I came down after, but that's another story. We had it all worked out fro Michael with his swimming nappies and a pair of baby trunks to go over the top and we went in the disabled changing room so we could all be together.
The pool has an adult area and a children's area with a little island to climb on and dolphin sculptures that squirt water. There is also a babies area so that's where we went. The trouble is is was damned cold in there. Michael cried and tensed up as soon as we put him in it and even though he relaxed a bit he was obviously not enjoying it. After about a minute he started shivering and we took him out. He warmed up in the shower in the changing room and started laughing again but it was all terribly disappointing. After we had got changed we went to ask for our money back, which they gave without a problem. I think they already knew the baths are too cold.
There were other children in the pool and even in the babies area. None as young as Michael. But they were running around. Michael is too small to run around to keep warm. The baby area must be the warmest part of the pool, but it wasn't. I guess we will never go back to Rushcliffe Leisure Centre again. I only wished I'd taken the Little thermometer I use to test Mike's bath water with. It really was terribly cold in there for a little boy.
So we got home and Ran a very deep and warm bath and Michael and Rocio played in there fro a long time together. Much happy squealing and splashing from Michael. Wonderful.

While Rocio was finishing her bath in peace I held Michael on my lap and he suddenly discovered his own foot. Deputy leader of the Labour Party 1976 to 1980.

After such a busy day Michael was too excited to sleep at bedtime but in the end crashed out. Here he is sleeping like an angel.

1 comment:

  1. Oh these videos are great, the 'grrrrr' is the start of speaking, just missing the words (bet you can't wait for a chat with him!)and the 'wonder' at finding a bit on himself he's not noticed before.............priceless

    auntie sharron


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