Saturday 26 November 2011

Day 147 24/11/11 Shopping with Mandy

Rocio Michael and volunteer Mandy went shopping in town today. I think they had a good time although again someone bumped into Michael's head waking him up and earning Rocio's wrath. The main thing to buy was buckets for the reusable nappies. We are making the effort with these again. I'm not very impressed with these nappies really. They don't seem to be shaped like a human baby, so they push Michael's legs out sideways and they don't hold the liquid like a disposable so they leak and we have to change Michale's clothes several times more a day. Still we will try again with them. It's a pity we missed the Napuccino even in the library in town where we could have got some expert advice.

Ooop I forgot to take pictures of Mike in the morning so here's one taken after midnight but before his birth time

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