Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Day 116 24/10/2011 Doctor's visit
We took Michael to the doctor's today. We are still worried by the spot he has on the top of his head. It's always been there, right over his fontanel. It's some kind of growth in the skin. The doctors always call it a cyst. Sometimes it grows up and fills with water and then it bursts and gets small again. We worry that it is spreading but I'm not sure about this. Anyway after getting up and out and to the doctor's by 8:30 it was disappointing to find out the the appointment was at 8:00. Still Rocio sat and waited for a chance to go in whilst I took the car to have it's oil leak fixed. By the time I came back she was out and walking home. As usual the verdict was "Don't worry. It's a cyst. Keep your eye on it. We don't want to do anything about it at the moment."

Monday, 24 October 2011
Day 115 23/10/2011 Visiting May
We went to see May today at her house. She is a good friend of Rocio's from the church in West Bridgford. Unfortunatly she won't be able to get to the christening but they did have a good cuddy at her house.

Sunday, 23 October 2011
Day 114 22/10/2011 Shopping and Charming
We went out to Ikea and shopping in town today. Michael seemed a bored in the buggy today. I think he doesn't always like it because he can't keep and eye on what we are doing and he doesn't sleep so well in it as he does when he's in a sling on mum or me.
Michael charmed the lady managing the changing rooms in a clothing shop and she ended up doing her job one handed as she held Michael in the other while Rocio was trying on clothes.
Michael charmed the lady managing the changing rooms in a clothing shop and she ended up doing her job one handed as she held Michael in the other while Rocio was trying on clothes.

Day 113 21/10/2011 Knowing boy
Michael is suddenly more alert. He has always been quite alert he arrived in the world looking around with one eye. The other was still gummed up with vermix and I opened it for him.
In the last few days he just seems to understand much more of what is going on around him. He is very observant of faces and loves any kind of silly face pulling. We can be calmly looking at each other and if I wiggle my eyebrows of something like that he will bust out laughing. He still loves me to stick my tongue out at him and all sorts of peek-a-boo game are great too.
Today in the afternoon Michael and Rocio were dancing to their favourite Stevie Wonder song and Rocio started eating a little sugar out of the sugar caddy. She often gives Michael a tiny bit of different things to taste so she said "Michael it's time to taste sugar" and gave him a little on her finger. He spat it out. He didn't like it. Ever since she was pregnant Rocio has changed her tastes so much. She never used to like sweet things only savoury. Now she no longer wants crisps and the like as snacks from the shop it is always whisper bars.
Michael was not really as grumpy as this picture shows him and even if he was we had a great time laughing at his teddy bear hoody!
In the last few days he just seems to understand much more of what is going on around him. He is very observant of faces and loves any kind of silly face pulling. We can be calmly looking at each other and if I wiggle my eyebrows of something like that he will bust out laughing. He still loves me to stick my tongue out at him and all sorts of peek-a-boo game are great too.
Today in the afternoon Michael and Rocio were dancing to their favourite Stevie Wonder song and Rocio started eating a little sugar out of the sugar caddy. She often gives Michael a tiny bit of different things to taste so she said "Michael it's time to taste sugar" and gave him a little on her finger. He spat it out. He didn't like it. Ever since she was pregnant Rocio has changed her tastes so much. She never used to like sweet things only savoury. Now she no longer wants crisps and the like as snacks from the shop it is always whisper bars.
Michael was not really as grumpy as this picture shows him and even if he was we had a great time laughing at his teddy bear hoody!

Friday, 21 October 2011
Day 112 20/10/2011 Volunteer
WE had our first visit today from Mandy the volunteer who will come every week tto help Rocio. I don't think they went out anywhere today just sat and chatted but it was good for them and Michael to get to know each other. Michael must have been pretty comfortable with the situation as he fell asleep in her arms.

I think from now on they will be going out places each week. it should be really good fun for them all.

I think from now on they will be going out places each week. it should be really good fun for them all.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Day 111 19/10/2011 Here he is
Michael loves sleeping in his cot these days. Gone are the days when he wouldn't sleep without Rocio. He quite often like a bit of space and once he is sleeping soundly he can easily be put down in his cot and sleeps for hours, occasionally making snuffling noises and wriggling about but not waking until he is hungry.
The problem is it's getting very cold in the bedroom and he is not big enough to warm the cot on his own. Last night he had cold hands and arms so tonight he is back in the bed with us. We will have to look at moving his cot to somewhere warmer. Perhaps even sway which rooms we use for living room and bedroom.
Here he is
The problem is it's getting very cold in the bedroom and he is not big enough to warm the cot on his own. Last night he had cold hands and arms so tonight he is back in the bed with us. We will have to look at moving his cot to somewhere warmer. Perhaps even sway which rooms we use for living room and bedroom.
Here he is

Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Day 110 18/10/2011 Squeal !
Michael has really started to find his voice. Just in the last couple of days he has learnt how to squeal. He does this when he is angry because he is not getting his own way and he does it much more just because he is happy. It's really loud and piercing but it is very funny too. When I phoned Rocio from work in London today I couldn't hear what she was saying because Mike was squealing every few seconds. What will he think of next?
He has been in great mood most of the morning though. Here he is in his chair on the kitchen work surface. He likes it there watching what is going on and getting plenty of attention.
He has been in great mood most of the morning though. Here he is in his chair on the kitchen work surface. He likes it there watching what is going on and getting plenty of attention.

Day 109 17/20/2011 Massage Day
We were disturbed this morning by the doorbell and the realisation that we had forgotten Michael's massage day. Hayley from the Access Centre came to give Rocio her second baby massage lesson. That's second lesson not second baby. We had to rush around getting dressed and making space in the living room and trying to wake up enough to do conversation. Unfortunately Michael had just had his feed and so couldn't in fact have a massage as he was too full. It is difficult to find a time when that little boy isn't too full. He does like his milk. We have the same problem with finding a time to put him on his belly for crawling practice, he is always so full of milk.

So Rocio had her massage lesson on a training doll and Michael and I sat and watched them. Michael really did watch intently. I would love to know what goes on in his head. Perhaps he was wondering if it was a real baby. Perhaps he was feeling jealous or just interested in what the adults were doing on the floor messing about with a doll. I didn't absorb much of the lesson as Michael was distracting me with his funny behaviour but I think Rocio got it all and Michael has probably felt the benefit already.
Here is Michael getting camera shy after doing some wonderful singing.

So Rocio had her massage lesson on a training doll and Michael and I sat and watched them. Michael really did watch intently. I would love to know what goes on in his head. Perhaps he was wondering if it was a real baby. Perhaps he was feeling jealous or just interested in what the adults were doing on the floor messing about with a doll. I didn't absorb much of the lesson as Michael was distracting me with his funny behaviour but I think Rocio got it all and Michael has probably felt the benefit already.
Here is Michael getting camera shy after doing some wonderful singing.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Day 108 16/10/2011 A bit Off It
Michael was a bit whingy today which reminds me of two things. Firstly he had his second set of normal injections a while ago and we were half expecting him to be a little ill again as he was last time. It must have been O.K. though as I don't rememebr anything being wrong with him. Secondly It seem like MIchael doesn't really like travelling. At least he is often not at his best the following day. I'm sure he had a fine time yesterday, seeing all those people and having lots to look at even more to listen to but, like the times we have taken him to London, he is a bit off it today.
Of course we have come to expect such high standard from Michael that an off day means occasionally crying for no good reason and getting grumpy when we don't understand what he wants us to do for him. H has also bee a bit more clingy than usual. Like when he was a little baby he hasn't really wanted to be on his own today. Even bouncy chair has lost it's charm.

I'm sure by tomorrow he will be back to his smily best. It takes a lot to disturb our little boy. He is often determined to have a good time. He will laugh and smile with me whilst he is hungry and crying for his mum, all at the same time.
Of course we have come to expect such high standard from Michael that an off day means occasionally crying for no good reason and getting grumpy when we don't understand what he wants us to do for him. H has also bee a bit more clingy than usual. Like when he was a little baby he hasn't really wanted to be on his own today. Even bouncy chair has lost it's charm.

I'm sure by tomorrow he will be back to his smily best. It takes a lot to disturb our little boy. He is often determined to have a good time. He will laugh and smile with me whilst he is hungry and crying for his mum, all at the same time.
Day 107 15/10/2011 Klezmer Day
On Saturday we went to Glossop so I could play klezmer. I haven't' done that in years. We went to the house of Adrian and Judith who had invited about 15 musicians to play. It was wonderful. We drove up there across the moors from near Sheffield alongside the reservoirs. I had forgotten how beautiful it is up there.
We got to Glossop at about 11.00 and were made very welcome. Michael was at his best charming everyone and getting lots of attention. He was no problem at all whilst we sat and chatted and whilst we played and the only problem he caused as we ate the food we had brought to share was that he wanted to join in and so he had his feed at the same time. This made it hard for Rocio to eat her soup but you can't blame a boy for feeling hungry. He got a bit tired and upset later in the day, perhaps because never managed to sleep and so we left a little early. This had always been in the plan as it is a bit much to expect a baby to put up with hours of playing music. We got straight into the car and drove up onto Snake Pass and got out for a walk. At the peak of Snake pass is where the Pennine Way crosses it and we strolled along that for a while with Michael sleeping on my shoulder. I remember the times when I walked the Pennine Way, getting to that point and being almost offended by the sudden, noisy interruption of a major road cutting across the peaceful moors. I felt separate from the strange people who drove up there and parked their cars. Now I am one of those people and I walk in my own footsteps with my beautiful wife and marvelous baby.
We got to Glossop at about 11.00 and were made very welcome. Michael was at his best charming everyone and getting lots of attention. He was no problem at all whilst we sat and chatted and whilst we played and the only problem he caused as we ate the food we had brought to share was that he wanted to join in and so he had his feed at the same time. This made it hard for Rocio to eat her soup but you can't blame a boy for feeling hungry. He got a bit tired and upset later in the day, perhaps because never managed to sleep and so we left a little early. This had always been in the plan as it is a bit much to expect a baby to put up with hours of playing music. We got straight into the car and drove up onto Snake Pass and got out for a walk. At the peak of Snake pass is where the Pennine Way crosses it and we strolled along that for a while with Michael sleeping on my shoulder. I remember the times when I walked the Pennine Way, getting to that point and being almost offended by the sudden, noisy interruption of a major road cutting across the peaceful moors. I felt separate from the strange people who drove up there and parked their cars. Now I am one of those people and I walk in my own footsteps with my beautiful wife and marvelous baby.

Days 102-106 10/10/11 Weekly roundup
Sorry I haven't been keeping up to date with the blog posts.Despite not really doing anything out of the ordinary during the week I have been too busy or too tired to blog. So here is a weekly summary.

Michael seems much more solid this week. I look at him now and he is far from looking like a new born. People often seem surprised when I say he is only 3 months old. His face is always changing of course but this week he has started looking much more mature and to my eyes more Jenkins too. I can really see my side of the family in him now. I'm not naming names but he looks like a couple of his English relatives to me at times.

His main new skill this week is grabbing hold of things. Suddenly he loves to grip on to Rocio's clothing whilst he feeds and he loves holding my fingers at last. I have been looking forward to that since before he was born.

He laughs and sings all the time now. he even smiles and laughs in his sleep and in the middle of the night during nappy changes. He shouts what must be his word for "Oi!" if he isn't getting enough attention and he loves a game of copy the sounds with dad.
His funny habit of the moment is holding his two clenched fists up in front of himself and slowly moving them around as if he were a boxer readying himself to throw a punch. He never does punch though and someone said on Saturday that it looks as if he was practicing accordion.
On Monday we had a visit from Mandy who will be helping Rocio when she needs to go out shopping or doctors appointments or whatever. She seems really nice and got on very well with Michael which is always a good sign. It will be a couple of weeks before she comes back to start her volunteering.
On Tuesday Michael and I went to the shop downstairs to buy a few things, bread milk and chocolate etc. Should have been a three minute job but Michael gets so much attention from passers by that it always takes a lot longer than I expect to go anywhere. We were standing in the queue to pay and Michael was on my left shoulder as normal (He doesn't like the right shoulder) and laughing with the lady behind.I wasn't paying too much attention myself but after a while I noticed she kept making a noise like "Puuuuuuu, puuuuuu" and I looked around. She was reaching towards Mike and saying "Puuuuu" so I leant towards her to let he get close but she backed off quickly. Then I realised she had been saying "Puke" and pointing at the patch on my shoulder. She must have thought I was threatening to wipe it on her!
We went to Baby Weighing on Wednesday, getting there nice and early so we would be first in the queue and in time for a nice cup of coffee before going in. Michael is still exactly on the 50th percentile, exactly average for his age at 6.68 Kg or 14 Lb 11 Oz. Everything else is fine even the little cyst on the top of his head does seem to be gradually going away.
On Thursday before his bath I noticed Michael's BCG spot had come up again. Is this normal? It came up with it's yellow spot before which I was expecting and soon went away again. I didn't know it would come back again. I know it is an immune response and so it shows that the vaccination is doing it's job. I just don't know how many times to expect ths spot or for how long.

On Friday I'm told Michael opened his first packet of biscuits. He was sitting on Rocio whilst she tried to open packet and he grabbed it and riped it open. I don't think he ate any as he is not interested in food yet, but it's good to see he will have all the skills ready when the time comes.

Michael seems much more solid this week. I look at him now and he is far from looking like a new born. People often seem surprised when I say he is only 3 months old. His face is always changing of course but this week he has started looking much more mature and to my eyes more Jenkins too. I can really see my side of the family in him now. I'm not naming names but he looks like a couple of his English relatives to me at times.

His main new skill this week is grabbing hold of things. Suddenly he loves to grip on to Rocio's clothing whilst he feeds and he loves holding my fingers at last. I have been looking forward to that since before he was born.

He laughs and sings all the time now. he even smiles and laughs in his sleep and in the middle of the night during nappy changes. He shouts what must be his word for "Oi!" if he isn't getting enough attention and he loves a game of copy the sounds with dad.
His funny habit of the moment is holding his two clenched fists up in front of himself and slowly moving them around as if he were a boxer readying himself to throw a punch. He never does punch though and someone said on Saturday that it looks as if he was practicing accordion.
On Monday we had a visit from Mandy who will be helping Rocio when she needs to go out shopping or doctors appointments or whatever. She seems really nice and got on very well with Michael which is always a good sign. It will be a couple of weeks before she comes back to start her volunteering.
On Tuesday Michael and I went to the shop downstairs to buy a few things, bread milk and chocolate etc. Should have been a three minute job but Michael gets so much attention from passers by that it always takes a lot longer than I expect to go anywhere. We were standing in the queue to pay and Michael was on my left shoulder as normal (He doesn't like the right shoulder) and laughing with the lady behind.I wasn't paying too much attention myself but after a while I noticed she kept making a noise like "Puuuuuuu, puuuuuu" and I looked around. She was reaching towards Mike and saying "Puuuuu" so I leant towards her to let he get close but she backed off quickly. Then I realised she had been saying "Puke" and pointing at the patch on my shoulder. She must have thought I was threatening to wipe it on her!
We went to Baby Weighing on Wednesday, getting there nice and early so we would be first in the queue and in time for a nice cup of coffee before going in. Michael is still exactly on the 50th percentile, exactly average for his age at 6.68 Kg or 14 Lb 11 Oz. Everything else is fine even the little cyst on the top of his head does seem to be gradually going away.
On Thursday before his bath I noticed Michael's BCG spot had come up again. Is this normal? It came up with it's yellow spot before which I was expecting and soon went away again. I didn't know it would come back again. I know it is an immune response and so it shows that the vaccination is doing it's job. I just don't know how many times to expect ths spot or for how long.

On Friday I'm told Michael opened his first packet of biscuits. He was sitting on Rocio whilst she tried to open packet and he grabbed it and riped it open. I don't think he ate any as he is not interested in food yet, but it's good to see he will have all the skills ready when the time comes.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Day 101 9/10/2011 The LeMare's
We went to visit the LeMare family today. Jenny,Mat and the boys Joel,Jamie and Sam.
We had a great time and Michael does need to get used to being with lots of children before we go to Peru. He did look a bit surprised to be suddenly on the floor being played with by three (to him) big boys.

We had a great time and Michael does need to get used to being with lots of children before we go to Peru. He did look a bit surprised to be suddenly on the floor being played with by three (to him) big boys.

Day 100 8/10/2011 Day 100
We went to town today and had a fine time strolling around with Michael int he buggy. It is different from having the boy in one of his slings. We feel more separate from him and have to stop and check to see if he is awake/asleep/happy/upset etc. But is is easy to push him around all day and he seems to really like the sitting in the buggy.

I'm not sure he likes the weird lighting in the shopping centre toilets. This picture didn't come out wrong, it really is that colour in there.

To be honest we didn't realise it was Day 100 until after Michael had gone to bed. Still it is wonderful having him and I can't imagine doing without him now.

I'm not sure he likes the weird lighting in the shopping centre toilets. This picture didn't come out wrong, it really is that colour in there.

To be honest we didn't realise it was Day 100 until after Michael had gone to bed. Still it is wonderful having him and I can't imagine doing without him now.
Day 99 7/10/11 Bumps and Kerrisia
Rocio dressed Michael in his funny suit with ears today because it was Bumps and Babies day and it's always good to have a laugh at the expense of your little boy in pulic. Sorry there are no pictures because Michael managed a real fountain during a nappy change and I had to put him in his spoare clothes (Score now 29 to Rocio and 14 to me).
Here he is interacting with his species

After I went to work our friend Kerrisia came to visit and cuddle Michael for the first time
Here he is interacting with his species

After I went to work our friend Kerrisia came to visit and cuddle Michael for the first time

Day 98 6/10/11 Injections again
We got up very early and were at the doctor's by 8.30 this morning. Michael had his second of the three regular immuniistaions, a needle in each leg. He didn't like it but only cried for about a minute after the scond one. Perhaps hoping that way we wouldn't do him a third injection. I am always amazed how reasonable my boy is. He cries when it hurts and stops when the pain stops. A quick cuddle with mum is usually enoughto calm him from any problem he has.
Here he is in the fabulous bouncy chair after we got home and it was all forgotten

He is really getting good at using his hands now and I manage to catch him playing with the dangling toys.
Here he is in the fabulous bouncy chair after we got home and it was all forgotten

He is really getting good at using his hands now and I manage to catch him playing with the dangling toys.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Day 97 5/10/2011 Doerte's visit
This morning we had a visit from Doerte. This is the lady who gave Rocio massage whilst she was pregnant with Michael. Before we even knew it would be a Michael!
It's great having visitors and Michael always loves seeing people.
Michael is learning to wash his hands. He plays in the sink while Rocio is brushing her teeth. He doesn't use soap yet because everything goes straight to his mouth but he enjoys the game, especially mum drying his hands with he towel.
Again Michael put himself to sleep today without having to fall asleep feeding.
Here he is in the bouncy chair. I am so glad we bought this thing.
It's great having visitors and Michael always loves seeing people.
Michael is learning to wash his hands. He plays in the sink while Rocio is brushing her teeth. He doesn't use soap yet because everything goes straight to his mouth but he enjoys the game, especially mum drying his hands with he towel.
Again Michael put himself to sleep today without having to fall asleep feeding.
Here he is in the bouncy chair. I am so glad we bought this thing.

Day 96 4/10/2011 Baby Massage
Today was baby massage day for Michael. A kind woman from the access centre called Hayley came round after I had gone to work to show Rocio how to massage Michael. Apparently it all went well though Rocio did say that when Michael had had the sunflower oil rubbed into him he did smell a bit like chips and that made her hungry. I'm sure Michael loved it he likes and kind of messing about so long as he isn't hungry.
Here he is keeping a close watch on mummy.
Here he is keeping a close watch on mummy.

Day 95 3/10/2011 Real Nappies
The thing is we had all good intentions to use real nappies and wash them so we bought a set of high-tech washables from Boots before Michael was born. Well, the first few days of his life were busy enough what with getting him to feed and worrying about everything and in fact the firsts few weeks were pretty full on and so we didn't get round to trying them.
When he was about one month old I dd get the bag out and have a look at them but the packaging said they were fro babies of 6 Kg or more so I put them away again.
This morning when I woke up Rocio had gone for it and Michael was proudly wearing a real nappy. It was soon time for me to change it too so I unwrapped him and did the job and then had to get him back into a clean disposable. Much harder than I had thought. Even after seeking Rocio's advice at several stages it didn't look right to me.

I don't see why if we have bought a set of purpose made cloths to use as nappies that they are not shaped to fit a small human, like Michael. They seem to stick out in the wrong places and not have enough where they are really needed. Perhaps it's all in the technique but the end result was not too good. Anyway Michael had soon christened the nappy I did for him, which leaked, and I went back to disposables.
I'm sure we'll try again and maybe get it right but those shop bough disposables really are a lot easier.
When he was about one month old I dd get the bag out and have a look at them but the packaging said they were fro babies of 6 Kg or more so I put them away again.
This morning when I woke up Rocio had gone for it and Michael was proudly wearing a real nappy. It was soon time for me to change it too so I unwrapped him and did the job and then had to get him back into a clean disposable. Much harder than I had thought. Even after seeking Rocio's advice at several stages it didn't look right to me.

I don't see why if we have bought a set of purpose made cloths to use as nappies that they are not shaped to fit a small human, like Michael. They seem to stick out in the wrong places and not have enough where they are really needed. Perhaps it's all in the technique but the end result was not too good. Anyway Michael had soon christened the nappy I did for him, which leaked, and I went back to disposables.
I'm sure we'll try again and maybe get it right but those shop bough disposables really are a lot easier.

Day 94 2/10/2011 Happy Chap
We had a lovely relaxed Sunday morning with Michael. Just doing things in the house. Michael got up early with Rocio as ususal and then when I woke Rocio went for her lie in. Mike was a bit upset with me until I left him for his quiet time in the always popular bouncy chair and he went to sleep again. He is really getting the hang of going to sleep when he is tired. Good lad.
Here he is in his lovely play pen that Grandad and Jenny bought for him. He often likes to spend time in there ignoring his toys but still singing and dancing.
Here he is in his lovely play pen that Grandad and Jenny bought for him. He often likes to spend time in there ignoring his toys but still singing and dancing.

Day 93 1/10/2011 Laughing Boy
Michael laughs All the time now. He has a wide variety of laughs from screeching to chuckling. It's often hard to predict what he will find funny although there are a few favourites. He loves me making his little feet stamp on y belly, for instance whilst he is lying on the changing area, and he loves any silly version of peek-a-boo that I can invent.
Here he is getting ready to go to town to charm passers by and folks on the bus.
Here he is getting ready to go to town to charm passers by and folks on the bus.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Day 92 30/09/2011 New Neighbours
WE have some new neighbours in the flat right next to us, a couple called Nitin and Shimi. They are due to have a baby soon as aare the Polish couple in the other of the three flats. We are not expecting to be here many more months but if we were we'd be living in a building full of babies and Michael would be the oldest! (I've just been looking at the photos of Michael in his first month and been shocked again about how much he has grown.) I can't imagine how much competition for the washing line there would be then. It gets plenty of use right now and when we do a whites wash for Michael's things it's completely full.
It would be funny to have three babies learnign at least four languages though English,Spanish, Hindi(I think) and Polish.
Here is Nitin holding young Michael on the patio

Too late today we realised that we have forgotten to take Michael for the next in his series of immunisations. We'll have to rebook it for soon.
It would be funny to have three babies learnign at least four languages though English,Spanish, Hindi(I think) and Polish.
Here is Nitin holding young Michael on the patio

Too late today we realised that we have forgotten to take Michael for the next in his series of immunisations. We'll have to rebook it for soon.
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