Tuesday 4 October 2011

Day 92 30/09/2011 New Neighbours

WE have some new neighbours in the flat right next to us, a couple called Nitin and Shimi. They are due to have a baby soon as aare the Polish couple in the other of the three flats. We are not expecting to be here many more months but if we were we'd be living in a building full of babies and Michael would be the oldest! (I've just been looking at the photos of Michael in his first month and been shocked again about how much he has grown.) I can't imagine how much competition for the washing line there would be then. It gets plenty of use right now and when we do a whites wash for Michael's things it's completely full.
It would be funny to have three babies learnign at least four languages though English,Spanish, Hindi(I think) and Polish.
Here is Nitin holding young Michael on the patio

Too late today we realised that we have forgotten to take Michael for the next in his series of immunisations. We'll have to rebook it for soon.

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