Monday 17 October 2011

Days 102-106 10/10/11 Weekly roundup

Sorry I haven't been keeping up to date with the blog posts.Despite not really doing anything out of the ordinary during the week I have been too busy or too tired to blog. So here is a weekly summary.

Michael seems much more solid this week. I look at him now and he is far from looking like a new born. People often seem surprised when I say he is only 3 months old. His face is always changing of course but this week he has started looking much more mature and to my eyes more Jenkins too. I can really see my side of the family in him now. I'm not naming names but he looks like a couple of his English relatives to me at times.

His main new skill this week is grabbing hold of things. Suddenly he loves to grip on to Rocio's clothing whilst he feeds and he loves holding my fingers at last. I have been looking forward to that since before he was born.

He laughs and sings all the time now. he even smiles and laughs in his sleep and in the middle of the night during nappy changes. He shouts what must be his word for "Oi!" if he isn't getting enough attention and he loves a game of copy the sounds with dad.
His funny habit of the moment is holding his two clenched fists up in front of himself and slowly moving them around as if he were a boxer readying himself to throw a punch. He never does punch though and someone said on Saturday that it looks as if he was practicing accordion.
On Monday we had a visit from Mandy who will be helping Rocio when she needs to go out shopping or doctors appointments or whatever. She seems really nice and got on very well with Michael which is always a good sign. It will be a couple of weeks before she comes back to start her volunteering.
On Tuesday Michael and I went to the shop downstairs to buy a few things, bread milk and chocolate etc. Should have been a three minute job but Michael gets so much attention from passers by that it always takes a lot longer than I expect to go anywhere. We were standing in the queue to pay and Michael was on my left shoulder as normal (He doesn't like the right shoulder) and laughing with the lady behind.I wasn't paying too much attention myself but after a while I noticed she kept making a noise like "Puuuuuuu, puuuuuu" and I looked around. She was reaching towards Mike and saying "Puuuuu" so I leant towards her to let he get close but she backed off quickly. Then I realised she had been saying "Puke" and pointing at the patch on my shoulder. She must have thought I was threatening to wipe it on her!
We went to Baby Weighing on Wednesday, getting there nice and early so we would be first in the queue and in time for a nice cup of coffee before going in. Michael is still exactly on the 50th percentile, exactly average for his age at 6.68 Kg or 14 Lb 11 Oz. Everything else is fine even the little cyst on the top of his head does seem to be gradually going away.
On Thursday before his bath I noticed Michael's BCG spot had come up again. Is this normal? It came up with it's yellow spot before which I was expecting and soon went away again. I didn't know it would come back again. I know it is an immune response and so it shows that the vaccination is doing it's job. I just don't know how many times to expect ths spot or for how long.

On Friday I'm told Michael opened his first packet of biscuits. He was sitting on Rocio whilst she tried to open packet and he grabbed it and riped it open. I don't think he ate any as he is not interested in food yet, but it's good to see he will have all the skills ready when the time comes.

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