Monday 17 October 2011

Day 108 16/10/2011 A bit Off It

Michael was a bit whingy today which reminds me of two things. Firstly he had his second set of normal injections a while ago and we were half expecting him to be a little ill again as he was last time. It must have been O.K. though as I don't rememebr anything being wrong with him. Secondly It seem like MIchael doesn't really like travelling. At least he is often not at his best the following day. I'm sure he had a fine time yesterday, seeing all those people and having lots to look at even more to listen to but, like the times we have taken him to London, he is a bit off it today.
Of course we have come to expect such high standard from Michael that an off day means occasionally crying for no good reason and getting grumpy when we don't understand what he wants us to do for him. H has also bee a bit more clingy than usual. Like when he was a little baby he hasn't really wanted to be on his own today. Even bouncy chair has lost it's charm.

I'm sure by tomorrow he will be back to his smily best. It takes a lot to disturb our little boy. He is often determined to have a good time. He will laugh and smile with me whilst he is hungry and crying for his mum, all at the same time.

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