Thursday 6 October 2011

Day 95 3/10/2011 Real Nappies

The thing is we had all good intentions to use real nappies and wash them so we bought a set of high-tech washables from Boots before Michael was born. Well, the first few days of his life were busy enough what with getting him to feed and worrying about everything and in fact the firsts few weeks were pretty full on and so we didn't get round to trying them.
When he was about one month old I dd get the bag out and have a look at them but the packaging said they were fro babies of 6 Kg or more so I put them away again.
This morning when I woke up Rocio had gone for it and Michael was proudly wearing a real nappy. It was soon time for me to change it too so I unwrapped him and did the job and then had to get him back into a clean disposable. Much harder than I had thought. Even after seeking Rocio's advice at several stages it didn't look right to me.

I don't see why if we have bought a set of purpose made cloths to use as nappies that they are not shaped to fit a small human, like Michael. They seem to stick out in the wrong places and not have enough where they are really needed. Perhaps it's all in the technique but the end result was not too good. Anyway Michael had soon christened the nappy I did for him, which leaked, and I went back to disposables.

I'm sure we'll try again and maybe get it right but those shop bough disposables really are a lot easier.

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