Sunday 23 October 2011

Day 113 21/10/2011 Knowing boy

Michael is suddenly more alert. He has always been quite alert he arrived in the world looking around with one eye. The other was still gummed up with vermix and I opened it for him.
In the last few days he just seems to understand much more of what is going on around him. He is very observant of faces and loves any kind of silly face pulling. We can be calmly looking at each other and if I wiggle my eyebrows of something like that he will bust out laughing. He still loves me to stick my tongue out at him and all sorts of peek-a-boo game are great too.

Today in the afternoon Michael and Rocio were dancing to their favourite Stevie Wonder song and Rocio started eating a little sugar out of the sugar caddy. She often gives Michael a tiny bit of different things to taste so she said "Michael it's time to taste sugar" and gave him a little on her finger. He spat it out. He didn't like it. Ever since she was pregnant Rocio has changed her tastes so much. She never used to like sweet things only savoury. Now she no longer wants crisps and the like as snacks from the shop it is always whisper bars.

Michael was not really as grumpy as this picture shows him and even if he was we had a great time laughing at his teddy bear hoody!

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