Wednesday 19 July 2017

Life is returning

Life is return today which I am very pleased about. I only have a little headache and I never did get sick. I can't do much more than walk slowly without getting breathless but it's better than I thought it would be.
It's a beautiful Huancayo day. Cold , cloudless with strong sunshine. Such a change from the grey skies of Lima.  Most of the family were up at 3 am making hats we three had a lie in until 7ish.  We have arranged our room and raided the boxes of stuff we left here before.
I found that my ukulele was still in tune after 5 years and that I've forgotten how to tune my charango.  The new violin case I brought along for the lovely violin I have here is now in use and the rotten old case and broken bows thrown away. That was very satisfying to do.
Here is a view over the  roofs of Huancayo showing just a glimpse of the snow cap of the mountain Hauytapallana.

After a breakfast of cheese toasties ( yum yum ) and several hours  of enjoying the sun in the garden we went to Huayucachi market to visit Mami Noemi where she was selling hats. The market is a fascinating wild friendly place with a mixture of butchers DVD stalls fruit small cafés ironmongers and dodgy fake shamans selling crap medicine. And a whole section of traditional hats and costume.
We said hello to seemingly dozens of people and we had juice from crushed sugar cane, which is lovely and then big plates of yuyu ( if that's how you spell it ) it's a bit like boiled spinach and comes with potatoes and chilli. It's what I've been most looking forward to eating in Peru.
We bought DVDs for about 25p each ( makes you wonder if all copyright laws are being strictly adhered ) and sadly Michael's Power Rangers DVD when we got it home turned out to be a mis labeled Pokemon. We will replace it soon and Pokemon are nice too.
We also made a trip to the nearest internet café to post this blog but were unsuccessful. If you are reading this we must have found a way to get it from telephone without internet to Michael's blog page but I don't know what that will be.
Here is one of Michael'scousins Jake in a big chair.

In the  evening Michael and I both suddenly ran out of energy and wanted nothing but sleep and despite a night ling chorus of dogs and early morning folk music at tremendous volume from the neighbours we slept really well.
Michael says his favourite things were buying a big bag if marbles for about 25p and playing football with the boys.
He didn't like falling over three times  on the stones in the garden or of course he didn't like being ripped off in market.

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