Wednesday 19 July 2017

Over the Andes

We got up quite early to go to the bus for Huancayo.  It was quite expensive for Peru and the miserable man selling us tickets wouldn't give us vegetarian food but it was clean safe and on time so that's good.
I always love the journey up from sea level to 5km or so high over the Andes and down to Huancayo,  but I knew I would suffer from the altitude. I took pain killers before we got to rhe peak of  the route but still I was in a lot of pain and feeling light headed by the time we got there. Rocio of course feels no difference and even Michael who was born in Nottingham and has lived most of his life there, isn't affected at all as far as I can see. He did complain of feeling ill on the bus but I don't think it was altitude. It soon passed and he's fine now.
Michael was also a real star looking after me in my bad moments.
Arriving at Huancayo was so good. Meeting the family again and being taken to the house to eat and talk and catch up.
Michael fit straight in. I am so proud of him.  He was soon playing football with the boys and making himself understood in Spanish. It's great to be back and we have a great room in the house here and we still have lots of things here from last time. I still feel awful and I think it's time for more painkillers. I can't walk upstairs without stopping on the way to get my breath and I had to ask for help with my suitcase but I am very very happy to be here. 

This is Michael and I feeling ill on the bus. 

It's Santiago season soon  here in 
 Huancayo which is the biggest festivalof the year with costumes and drinking and dancing and drinking and folk  orchestras and drinking for many many days.
It especially mean in this family lots of hard work making hats to sell. The whole family is dedicated to hat making and Rocio has jumped right back into her role in this. She's seweng hat bands, drinking
A strong spirit called trago, chewing coca and talking with her Mum and Sister. It's so great to see.
Today Michael really liked the game system on the bus and  he liked playing football with the boys and he liked a tasty apple from the shop.
He didn't like thinking he'd lost his tablet and he didn't like feeling ill on thw bus. 

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