Friday 1 June 2012

Party Mentushari

We went to Mentushari again. This is in the Peruvian jungle and it’s where the family grow coffee. This time it was for the annual village party, which Bob has been looking forward to for a while. All work in the village stops and they hire a huge sound system and a band and an impressive amount of beer is consumed over two to three days of constant partying. Thoughtfully they also bought in this year a trampoline for the children which was very popular.

Here is Mike with his cousin Yandheri

The animals of the village don’t really stop their business for the party. Bob found this out as one particular chicken has got very used to laying its daily egg on the bed he was sleeping in. He was warned that this might happen but perhaps the morning after the night before was not the best time for him to be dealing with poultry. I felt sorry for him but not so sorry that I didn’t take videos of course.

Bob with chicken on bed 1

Bob with chicken on bed 2

We made a quick trip out to the next village in the morning to buy more beer. Which Michael was very keen on looking after in the taxi

One of the highlights of the second day of the party was “Corta Monte” a tree cutting ceremony. Some dunk men go out early in the morning and cut down 10 or so small trees and bring them back to the village where a merry group of locals have a few more beers and set them up around the village square, their branches filled with presents like plastic trays, blankets and toys.

Then as it is getting dark the band plays and more beer is drunk and the people dance around the tree taking turns to have at it with a large axe. As the tree finally falls, the children of the village and Bob compete to be right under it as it falls and fight over the presents. Then a bit more beer is drunk and on to the next tree to do it again. It took Bob a few goes before he got a present but he is now the proud owner of a small plastic in-tray and slight concussion.

Here are Boy and me being the only ones sober in the early moring

and here he is inspecting the damage to the fallen tree.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant blog, really funny! See Bob's pulling the birds!!!



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