Thursday 7 June 2012

Muddy Boy

Michael is an unstoppable crawler now. He always wants to be on the floor wherever we are to go off investigating. Here he is getting into a mess in the garden whilst hitting the herbs with a juice bottle. Fun!

He is also tireless when walking holding my hands and quite fast. He has taken his first step unaided and occasionally stands unaided for long seconds, wobbling around and grinning like I don't know what. He is obviously very pleased with himself.

His other great joy is water. In the jungle he could sit in his bath in the sunshine and play for ages, or until wrinkly. Here in Huancayo it's too cold to be sitting out for very long, despite the sunshine being very strong. So he doesn't get too long playing in the bath. So when he gets a chance he loves to get very wet playing in a big bowl of water.

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