Thursday 8 March 2012

Day 242 28/2/12 Bath Time

Tues 28th
Michael was really upset a couple of times during the night. He woke up shouting and crying. I think he is still teething. He has one tooth showing at the bottom and others you can feel at the top at the front when he chews on you, and I think more coming perhaps at the sides. Poor boy, it must be really painful for him.
We didn’t see Bob for breakfast as he was called away to breakfast at the neighbours’ Aunt Yola’s. We had bread, avocado and coffee. For me it was almost a perfect breakfast and we were sorry Bob missed out.

Here is Nestor looking after Michael at breakfast time.

Here I am posing with Michael in the Bambino sling we bought in Peterborough seemingly a lifetime ago.

It was a lovely warm day today, not raining or scorching so we gave Michael his first bath in about a week. He really hasn’t been well enough until now but today he loved it. He splashed away in the plastic tub Rocio bough for him and was quite upset when we took him out. Michael went into town on Mum’s back when she went to buy supplies for the hat making business. He was very happy with her and she says he didn’t cry at all.
Meanwhile Rocio Bob and I went to the telephone shop to see about getting internet in the house. This all looks fine we just have to wait about a week for connection. I think it’s like a dial up modem connection; at least it goes down the same wire as the telephone so I don’t think it will be very fast at all. Still when we borrowed Gloria’s internet connection it was just about capable of two way video call on Skype.
Rocio, Bob and I played around in the house and relaxed when we got home. It was strange not to have Michael around for so long but it was also a relief from the constant worry about him recently. Here is Bob posing on the steps he has come to make his own.

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