Thursday 8 March 2012

Day 243 29/2/12 Odd Jobs

Wed 29th

Bob and I are keeping busy doing various jobs around the house these days. Today we went around looking for cracked windows to replace. Each window in the house is made up of several smaller glasses and quite a few need replacing. We made up a list of glass to buy, all different strange shapes and sizes and we’ll get Rocio’s brother Nestor to buy them so we don’t get charged the “Gringo Price” for them.
Michael continues to be well. He is full of energy and enthusiasm and shows no signs of illness now.
Here he is making meal times lively with his enthusiasm for food, people and banging things hard ont he table.

He is just as keen on getting involved in everything as he was before his illness and just as impatient as he was too. He still cries and shouts and holds his eyes closed if you feed him too slowly. Of course when he does that he can’t see if you have some more food for him and he makes a whole silly battle of it. Still I’m glad he likes his food.

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