Saturday 31 March 2012

The Big Gap

I'm back from Mentushari today to the city Huancayo. I have had a great time in the jungle and have lots of good memories. What I don't have is any photos or videos of our time there as some scumbag stole our camera when we went out to the town Mazamari a week or so ago. This is really hard for us as it had all the photos and videos of Michael on it almost since he was born and I haven’t been able to back them up anywhere since being in Peru as I haven't yet got the hard drive working that I brought with me. So apart from the few photos uploaded here I have lost everything from Peru. There were some wonderful videos which cannot be replaced and anyway I hate to think of someone else having all those photos of us and our boy. Some things are very private.
We did all we could to recover the camera, including putting radio adverts on four different radio stations offering to give the thieves (or whoever innocently bought he camera from them) the charger for the camera, if only we could have back the memory card with the images. I know it's not fair to give the thieves even more than they took but we want that memory card back. All to no result though I'm afraid.
This means of course a huge gap in the photo a day for my boy and without the images it is so hard to remember what we did each day.
I'll try to continue by going back to using Rocio’s phone camera but this is a big blow to my enthusiasm. I guess Michael deserves better than me giving up on this so I'll go on with it. I like to this of him reading it in years to come. Sorry Michael, I'll be more careful about thieves in future.

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing, how awful. Please don't give up, the blog means a lot to us, whether daily, weekly whatever. Doesn't Bob have lots of photos? Everytime I talk to him I tell him to take lots of photos.....

    Hope I can talk to you all face to face very soon (via skype I mean)

    Love Sharron


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