Sunday 23 July 2017

Southern Stars

We went to town to day to do some vital shopping, light bulbs and charger wires etc.
Huancayo hasn't changed very much really in 5 years. There are gadget phones everywhere now and there is a
big ugly shopping centre, but the real market and the streets are much the same as I had hoped they would be.

Rocio Michael and I pushed through the crowds and dodged the enormous holes int he pavements. We bought tasty snacks from street vendors and eventually found the Power Rangers DVD we needed for Michael.
The whole town it seems is full of traditional music getting ready for the Santiago season and I found some new DVDs of my favourite style of Peruvian violin music for Santiago.
Despite all our best efforts we are still struggling to get a decent Internet connection either on the phones or on the laptop. I have some intermittent data on my phone now and we have a crappy dongle for the laptop but neither are much use.
Who knows when you will get to read this.

The skies are clear every day and night more or less so the stars are wonderful. I can see a whole lot of them that I don't recognise and a few I do. Orion the Hunter is high up in the sky on his head for some reason, with his red eye at the bottom. The moon too looks strange as the light and dark sides are the top and bottom if you see what I mean.

Here is a picture of the moon and what I guess is Venus close by. I think I'll need a map to identify much more, after all half the sky I have almost never seen before as we are in the Southern Hemishpere here.

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