Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 240 26/2/12 Well enough to shop

Sun 26th
Today Mike was fine again, happy and playing and grumpy too. Rocio took him into the city to go shopping with her and cousin Rosario. I was worried about this but it was all fine. Michael slept mostly, not in a weakened feverish was but just because he is so happy in the manta these days. Rocio came home with a baby bath for Michael and a new bizarre cushion in the shape of a heart or perhaps a poodle it’s hard to tell. Michael continues to eat well and be alert and have a lot of energy. We truly hope he stays well this time, everything is looking good so far but he has seemed well and got ill again before, so we are holding on until we see a few days of no fever or diarrhoea to be really sure he is well.

Michael has always been a clever boy and it didn’t take him long to work out that when we give him spoons full of liquid these days there’s a fair chance that it’s nasty tasting medicine. We have learnt that the best way to get round this is to mix the medicine with very liquid jelly. He loves this and eats it all as quickly as we can feed him.

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