Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 238 24/2/12 Private Doctor

Fri 24th
We woke up around 6 to give Michael his medicine and played around until breakfast time. Michael was still not on his best form he sleeps a lot and isn’t interested in anything. As the day went on Michael seemed ever weaker and his diarrhoea got really bad. This made us very fearful again and we decided we had to take Michael to a private doctor. The hospitals here just don’t care enough. So with the help of Rocio’s cousin Sara we found a private doctor and waited for him to finish his hospital work and to come to his private practice. He was very good to us and checked Michael thoroughly and prescribed several medicines, including injections of antibiotics. His fees were more than the normal hospital but not much more if you include all the silly extras and fees that the hospital adds on and anyway we just want our Michael well again, and soon. At the pharmacy next door I helped hold Michael down whilst he had another injection in his bum, poor thing. He cried of course but he was so weak he didn’t cry much really. We got home really tired and worried and everyone was waiting for us. Mum had prepared some special food for Michael. Made mostly of corn flour it is very easy to eat and should keep him firm if you know what I mean. Michael ate well and drank his milk and fell asleep again.

Here he is sleeping in the manta

In the evening, as Rocio and I were watching comedies on the telly Michael suddenly woke up full of life. He was alert and interested in things and playing with whatever he could get his hands on and smiling and all in all back to his normal self. It was so sudden and wonderful. As he went to bed this evening he is still a bit weak but so much better than he has been for days. Hope it stays that way.

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