Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 237 23/2/12 Poorly Boy

Thurs 23rd
We went to the hospital this morning to have Michael checked out again. This time it was all a little easier, perhaps because of the practice. We paid our money and got an appointment and waited for the paediatrician to arrive and start work. It was a different doctor this time and much friendlier and he bothered to look at Michael too. He more or less confirmed all that the night staff had said and reassured us that Michael had simple flu and sent us on our way. Michael was a lot perkier this morning and so we decided to go ahead with the days plans and so we found Bob and went off to Sapallanga again this time with the expectation of seeing music and dancing there. On the bus there we were all very tired I think and Rocio slept as you can see here.

We found Mum in Sapallanga on her stall with the relatives hat stalls next door. It’s always very sociable and Mum seems to always want to keep buying us nice things to eat and drink, which is great too. It did rain for a short while but most of the day was hot sunshine and I had to be careful not to get a sunburn on my scalp again. Michael seemed fine and made his rounds of the friends and relatives there, going from arms to arms.

Here´s Bob

More and more musicians and dancers arrived and started practicing around the town square. Some of the practices amounted to full performances. Videos comming soon.

Here is an orchestra practicing

and some girls buying mum´s hats for their costume

We went home as the market closed, actually before the main performance events took place but I was very happy with what we did see. We came home in a taxi which ran out of fuel on the way and spent the evening with the t.v.
We slept fine with Michael though he was always a bit hot.

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