Friday 17 February 2012

Day 227 13/2/12 Huayucachi and X-box

We went to Huayucachi today, another outdoor market where mum goes each week to sell hats and take in hats for repair. It was a day with scorching hot sun, though not that warm, and we sat for a long time talking to all the relatives also there selling hats. We ate fruit salad and ice-cream, yuyu and Rocio and Michael ate a huge glass of jelly. Mike looked to be loving it.

In the afternoon we prepared to go to the funeral of a famous man in Huancayo, the doctor who over the years has helped in the birth of so many of the local people. Sorry to say we didn’t go in the end as the skies opened and it really poured down and we sat about watching films on the telly.
After some searching we have found the two violins giving to me by Rocio’s mum which used to belong to her father Donato, who sadly passed away when she was small. They are in a bad condition now with many parts missing and were filthy with dust but it seems no real damage has been done to them since I last saw them. I spent the evening cleaning and sorting them as best as I could, though I really don’t know much about violins. Time to learn I guess.
Afterwards Bob and I went to the internet cafe and whilst in there my other nephew Jean came in and challenged Bob to a battle on his favourite online computer games Half Life. Sadly Bob lost very badly. He did manage to kill Jean perhaps three times but Jean killed him many more. He was at disadvantage as he didn’t know the game or its controls. Jean gloated about this all evening and Bob swore to have his x-box shipped over just to get revenge on what he calls a Modern game.

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