Wednesday 7 December 2011

Day 158 5/12/11 Christmas Party

Mike had a nice breakfast of veg and pear juice (With milk as usual)
He was very enthusiastic at first and ate a lot of the solid food. Then he suddenly got angry with it and cried and cried until he was given the pear juice which he loved and drank nearly all of it straight away.

In the afternoon we went to the Christmas p[art for the drop in centre play group. This was at a local soft play centre and was great fun for Michael. It was very noisy and lots of people to talk to and we had two goes on the soft play climbing frame. We went right ti the top and down the long slide. Michael was squealing with joy as we took him around and up and down and through the different parts.

Michael got two presents from Santa and slept like a baby in the car on the way home.

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