Sunday 4 December 2011

Day 157 4/12/11 Making Friends

We went to Mothercare today. A very expensive shop with startlingly few clothes for boys who are no longer new borns but not yet ready to go to school. I see that there are racks and racks of little girls clothes for all ages. We didn't manage to buy anything.
Here is Michael being forced to pose in a Santa figure. We thought is was funny I don't think he did.

Michael is getting more confident with people. He has always liked to go out and see things and meet people but has never really liked to be away from Rocio and me for very long. Today we went to our favourite cafe with Michael again and Michael was whinging and throwing himself around, really not very happy so I took him to have a walk about and maybe show him the monkey-boy in the mirror (That usually makes him laugh) but he took it all as an opportunity to introduce himself to all the other customers. He is very charming and very generous with his smiles. He made on particular friend called Steven who held him and played with him all the time Rocio and I were eating.

Steven has long dreadlocks as I once had and here he is showing us what Michael could look like in a few years when he grows his own!

Apparently he will have a huge left hand.

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