Friday 29 July 2011

Day 28 28/7/2011 Learnt to smile

Today was a great day. Michael smiled at me. Perhaps his first smile, unless he has been secretly grinning away and then trying to keep a straight face each time I am around. I was jiggling him up and down at the time and making up silly songs to sing to him. I am completely unashamed with young Michael. I'll do any daft thing that comes into my head if I think he might like it.

Rocio and Mike woke up early and went in to the living room. After his morning feed Michael started what we call swimming. Waving his arms and legs about quite frantically. Rocio didn't know what he want ed until she tried him in his bouncy chair and he went to sleep! On his own for half an hour or so. Some times he just needs less attention.

By the time I woke up today Rocio already had Michael swaddled. Like this...

This seems to be very good for him. He often gets himself in a state where he is sleepy and irritable, I think, but he gets to waving his arms around and bumping them on things (The cot, my face, his head etc) and kicking his little legs and all this gets him more annoyed and he can't relax and sleep. Then he bothers Rocio more and they try feeding again or she has to work really hard to calm him down before anything good can happen.
In the swaddling he can't wind himself up and Rocio can carry him very safely on her back whilst doing stuff int the house and he very soon nods off and is really content wrapped up for quite a while. Today he stayed swaddled until our Health Visitor Gail came.

Funny thing happened whilst Gail was here. She has filled out some forms for us, filling in the details of young Michael on them. She has put his ethnicity down as White-British. Until I read that I hadn't thought about it. Is he white? Is he mixed race? Is he Dual Heritage as she suggested? I really don't know. What should we label him as until he can label himself? Rocio is quite used to forms in England now and puts "Other" 'cos there isn't usually a "Inca" or better "Ashaninka" ethnicity on the forms.
I know culturally Michael is English and will be Peruvian too. I know legally it is similar as he is British and will be Peruvian too. But what is his ethnicity? I don't really know.

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