Saturday 15 July 2017

Travel to Peru

Russell says: 
We left Nottingham on the National Express at 10 Wed starting a journey of more than 24 hours.
The coach trip was fine although the driver was not as good as me and we got to Heathrow very early. That was the plan just in case anything happend but all was fine.
It was boring waiting at the airport but eventually they let us check in and we went to sit and watch the planes taking off. We managed to be among the pre-boarded passengers so getting on the plane was quite fine. We got an all important window seat and the trip to Madrid was fun and pretty comfortable.  Rocio managed to fall asleep during take off and pretty much slept all the way to Spain.
The change over in Madrid went just as it has before. We had to run and run through the airport and drag poor Michael along by the arm to get to the terminal and run along the walkways to the gate and still we were almost the last there and boarding had already started. Somewhere along the run we were supposed to get boarding tickets but I don't know where. We hardly saw any staff at all. Still the kind man on the gate sorted us out and we were on the big plane for Peru.
No window seat this time but it was already dark so that's OK. 
As almost always happens our vegetarian food  order had been forgotten. I don't know why we bother requesting it. They found us some nice pasta though.
Despite the plane being better and more spacious than the other it was still a horribly uncomfortable 12 hour ride. I don't know how to sleep sitting up and I couldn't find any other way to fit. I must have slept dozens of times for 5 minutes each time. Horrible. Michael and Rocio seemed to manage it much better. 
Getting to Lima at 6 in the morning with your body clock saying it is midday is unpleasant but meeting Rocio's Mum in the airport was fantastic and made it all good.
We got a lift to an aunty's house and were immediately surrounded by brilliant Peruvian hospitality nice food and everything in Spanish language. Just what we needed.
 Michael says:

I liked it on the plane when we blasted off because we had little tellies. 
In Lima I like the  food. I had a fruit called Tumbo and I didn't like the dog poo. Which is disgusting and everywhere on the streets.
I liked seeing Mami Noemi  and playing with Esteban.

1 comment:

  1. What a tiring journey but well worth while. Thank you for keeping us all up to date. You seem to be enjoying playing with new friends. Love to you and to Daddy and Mummy as well. Grandad Graham and Grandma Jenny


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