Tuesday 11 September 2012

Day 437 Getting wet 10/09/2012

Michael is getting very good at walking these days but he is still reluctant to walk without someone holding on to him. We often walk up the road to the shop with me just holding the back of his collar in case he falls and apart from him getting very easily distracted he can do it no problem. If I let go however he gets upset and sits down to start crawling. I don't think it'll be long though until he gets into it.
He is understanding a lot of language now in Spanish and English and even knows one word of Quechua "Wiksa" which means belly, if you ask him where his wiksa is, he'll lift his t-shirt to show you!
It was really hot today and Rocio was sitting in the garden washing clothes, we both miss England the land of washing machines, and Michael of course was getting as involved as he possibly could be. Which left him very wet all down his front. So we decided to give him what he has always wanted, time playing with water actually inside the sink.

He did eventually get really wet and cold but soon warmed up in the blazing sunshine here.

Michael had his Whooping cough immunisation the other day. It seems to be an endless series of immunisations for the poor thing. He has learnt to try to avoid the section of the doctor's where they do immunisations. This one seemed quite rough on him too. We were told to give him paracetamol every 6 hours for two days after it and I think he needed it. We all had a very sleepless night as Mike's arm was obviously hurting him a lot and it was quite swollen the next day. He avoided using it and was grumpy all day. I've never seen him suffer with an immunisation like this before. Still I have no idea what whooping cough is like and I intend to keep it that way. That's the deal, my poor boy suffered for a day with a sore arm but he will never die of whooping cough and he will never pass it to someone else so they die either.
They are very keen on immunisations here and can get quite forceful about it. You are best to always take baby's immunisation record card with you when you travel as we found out going recently to Mentushari in the jungle. The travelling doctors there were trying to insist on immunising Michael and I had to convince them that the doctors in Huancayo had it all under control thanks and Michael didn't need any extras.

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