Friday 1 June 2012

Washing Basket

Michael is learning and growing very quickly. Every day he has a new trick to show us and every day he seems cheekier than the last. He often looks across at me now to see if I’m watching him before he does some silliness he has invented

He loves climbing around on the bed and throwing himself down in the most dramatic ways he can invent. He loves grabbing me by the ears and squealing into my face. He loves our new version of the baby bowling where I set up a dozen or so empty pop bottles and he runs at them in his walker and knows them all over. He also loves sword-football with his new plastic sword. Every day he gets better at standing up on his own and he is becoming an excellent crawler too. He has great stamina for walking in the street holding my or Rocio’s hands.
He is very interested in whatever we are doing and always wants his hands involved, often his mouth too. We bought a new dirty washing basket the other day and of course Michael wanted to know all about it. At first he was a little wary of it but soon came around and in the end it was difficult to remove him from it.

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