Wednesday 13 June 2012

Immunisations and little boys

We took Michael to the local health post recently to have him weighed and measured. We are constantly being told that he is under weight or over weight or whatever. Eventually it gets worrying. It is part of the culture here to give unwanted and unneeded advice to parents. Women in the street will often tell me that my baby is cold or suffering from flu or falling or whatever occurs to them. All of this advice is in the form of direct orders to me which I always take badly. I don't respond well to strangers in the street shouting "Put his hat on he's really cold" especially when he isn't. But it doesn't end and so eventually we took him for and official weighing. At the health post we confused them a little as I don't think they had ever had foreigners registering their children before and they couldn't quite understand that I don't have a Peruvian ID card, but they were very kind and we got it sorted out.
Next problem was they really wanted Michael's health records, which he has but of course they are in English. So they were a bit upset that he had never had any health care, although of course he has, and that he has never had any immunisations although of course he has. Still medical language in both countries is almost the same so we managed to translate Michael's immunisation records and compare the UK plan with the Peruvian plan and put him on track for his booster shots in a couple of months time.
Whilst waiting to go and get him weighed we sat on benches outside and met a mother and her little boy Benjamin waiting for their health check. Benjamin was like another little Michael and they got on well together in a "Fighting over a nail in the bench" sort of way. Nothing like Michael plays with little girls, his cousin Kerly for example but all fun for them both.
Can you tell which is which?

So we got him officially wieghed and put his records on his British and Peruvian weight and height charts and what a surprise he is well within the healthy zone by Peruvian standards and almost exactly average for his age by British standards. So nothing to worry about.

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