Friday 22 June 2012

Chocolate Face and hair cut

Rocio is getting on very well in her Food Industry course. She has made marmalade, Manjar, butter, yoghurt cakes and other things and brought them home for me.
Michael particularly liked the chocolate fudge.
Every little boy should have a chocolate face photo published on the web I think.

You can see however how long Michael's hair was getting and how sweaty he gets. SO we decided to give him a hair cut. We tried to hold him still in the garden whilst I attacked him with my shaver. He wasn't scared of the shaver but he caused a lot of fuss because I wouldn't give him a go with it.

He ended up quite smart apart from the bit where I had the shaver on the wrong setting and shaved a bald patch on the side of his head (Ooops) and you can see the spot he has always had on the top of his head much more now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh much better! Glad Rocio's enjoying her course too, what is manjar?



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