Well to be fair despite being a Mormon he did get married twice to the same woman. The first ceremony was here in Huancayo and we all attended. Michael wore he special silk suit, probably for the last time as it is getting very small for him now. Still, I am very glad we bought it as he has looked very good in it each time he has worn it.
There was a very nice ceremony at the local Mormon temple and then dancing and fried chicken for those who wanted either. Then Ademir and his now wife Shirley went off to Lima to the religious ceremony the following day at the main Mormon temple for Peru. Everything in Peru is centralised in Lima.
Morons don't drink alcohol so there was none at the ceremony in Huncayo but there was certainly plenty at the after party at our house.
Michael slept through almost all of it

Here is a picture of Bob who wasn't going to drink. It is officially titled "How the hell did that happen"

Plenty of others had a bit to drink too

Another great blog - only time Bob's not scowling is when he's 'merry' mum/sharron