Thursday 8 March 2012

DAY 245 2/3/12 Martha

Fri 2nd
Here’s a closeup of Michael where you can see his first tooth peeking out of his bottom gum

We went to visit Martha, Rocio’s teacher from when she was at school. It was great to see her again she is a good friend to Rocio and was great to work with when we were doing voluntary work for the blind in Peru last time we were here.
Bob especially liked being in her house as her son has a Wii, the first games machine he has played since Jean defeated him in internet games. Bob and Martha’s son Andrew sat and played various Wii games whilst Rocio’s and Martha and I caught up on all the news. Martha made us all feel very welcome and gave us nice food and lovely coffee too. Michael was his charming best and I think Martha was impressed with him. Here they are getting along fine together.

He was showing off and getting himself passed around everyone. We’re very proud of out happy confident little boy. At the glass table we had to take his spoon off him as he was banging it on the table and singing, quite happily but in danger of breaking the table. We gave him a plastic lid and he continued noisily.
Martha also gave us the Braille printer that I bought through The Andean Outreach Programme, which I had never actually seen as it didn’t arrive in Peru until after I had left for England. Sorry to say it has never yet been used as there has been no-one to set it up. It’s a bit of an old machine and needs a parallel port on the computer to feed it, something that most modern machines just don’t have. I’m confident I can get it going thought if I have to buy and old computer just to run it.
In the evening Bob and I did some hat repair work. This consisted of pulling hundreds of little ends of cotton out of hats that mum has ripped the ribbons off and washed. It’s fiddly work but necessary. Mum still doesn’t want to let Bob or me do and of the hard work on the hats. One of the stages involves boiling the hats, pulling then soaking and hot out of the water and stretching them by hand into the required shape. This is scalding and tiring for the hands and mum won’t even let us try.

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