Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 234 20/2/12 Immigrations

Mon 20th
Michael woke up full of fun today and bothered Rocio and I until we woke up to play with him.

We went to immigrations today to start the process of my residency in Peru and to renew Rocio’s Peruvian passport. This didn’t work out so well as they have recently moved to a new office and haven’t got their computer system working yet so they couldn’t help Rocio and anyway I can only apply for my residency in the capital Lima. It’s ridiculous how centralised Peru is. Basically nothing happens officially outside Lima. The TV news is just as bad never anything to say about life outside Lima.
Sonia made a special meal today, Cerviche, a real Peruvian classic. Bob payed for the fish and Sonia and her girls worked hard for a long time it seemed to prepare it. Obviously Rocio, Mike and I didn’t try it ‘cos we don’t eat fish but Bob seemed to enjoy it. We are gradually getting Bob to try all the local and national specialities. We have yet to get him to try picaronnes (like doughnuts) or Chuno (like slimy potatoes, not my favourite) but there’s time yet.
I got the first of the two violins back from Uncle Adam. It’s looking great now and as far as I know plays really well too. It only remains for me to learn how to play it.
Here are a couple of views from the steps up the outside of the house. First the roofs of the city and the beautiful hills which surround Huancayo. I well remember the time I climbed the hill in the middle of the picture.

And secondly of the neighbours’ houses, just to show the normal adobe which is used to build houses here.

And here’s Bob on the same steps posing with his cousin Mike.


  1. Lovely photos - Bo makes Mike look so tiny xx

    Sue xx

  2. Sorry folks, should read Bob and not Bo xx


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