Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 232 18/2/12 Pizza in Peru

Rain in the morning stopped most of our plans for the day. Bob Ademir and I did put up a bit of plywood in the ceiling of Rocio and my room. We still need some more but this was a good step towards better sound and heat insulation.
When the rain stopped a bit we went in to Huancayo city to a newly built shopping centre called Plaza real. It was shockingly like England. Almost as if the whole airplane journey and Lima and crossing the Andes had been a dream and we were in another English town. We tried to buy Pizza from the Pizza Hut but it turned out complicated. As usual the woman serving said “Yes yes yes we have pizza for vegetarians” and then offered us meat pizza and she had never heard of Margarita.
We did find nice coffee later in a cafe I remember going to before when I was in Huancayo. They bring you a glass of boiled milk and let you put your own coffee essence in and I put in a lot. I’ll be going there again.

In the evening after chatting with Gloria and Curly in the garden

we went round to her house to use the internet and especially to use Skype which turned out fun but very complicated with people coming in and out all the time

and Michael getting a bit restless and Gloria bringing us lots of lovely papaya (From Bob’s favourite tree) and the connection being very hard to hear and other things all at once. Still it was really good to talk to Michael’s Aunty Sharron and cousin Annie.

Here is Michael sleeping peacefully swaddled in ablanket ahhhhh!

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