Friday 17 February 2012

Day 225 11/2/12 Washing

It was really dry and sunny today for the first time so we all wanted to do our washing. Bob and I took turns hand washing our stuff in the stone sink. Here’s Bob getting to grips with his jeans.

Here too is Mum at the sink wearing the Cardigan we bought her in Nottingham and the hat she made me for my wedding

Also since I’ve been here they have taken back the hat they made for me for my wedding and are rebuilding it completely. It’s had its ribbon cut off and been washed and now is being reformed before being ironed and the ribbon replaced. Here it is with the other new and repair hats looking out of shape and naked without its ribbon.
We went back to Miguel’s house today and we didn’t take Michael with us. He has been a cry baby all day. We think he might be ill with a cold. Perhaps also he has decided that he can always get his own way by crying. He cries and screams for the smallest reason and won’t wait for anything these days. We are extra accommodating of him as he is ill and we are always trying to make him happy anyway but he seems to think we are capable of resolving all his desires immediately always which isn’t true and he gets very upset at waiting. Well, he had been in the room with us screaming about us getting him dressed. So mum came to take him from us and wanted to look after him whilst we went visiting. It was hard decision to make as we hadn’t been doing anything wrong to grumpy Michael and he would have been very happy out visiting with us and Rocio has never left him with anyone else for very long, what if he cried for her or for milk? We are so unused to going anywhere without Mike that we were at Miguel’s house before I noticed I was still carrying the nappy bag with his change of clothes and things in.
We also went this time without Bobby as he was away at a traditional tree cutting ceremony with Gloria and Jose’s family. I think Bobby the dog probably missed his twin as he stayed outside and didn’t talk to us. We had a great time laughing and talking but were constantly worried about Michael. As it turned out he was fine. He cried a bit we’re told but mum calmed him and they came to meet us as we walked home. Michel did look very pleased to see us though,

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