Monday 13 February 2012

Day 221 7/2/12 Bad Day

I have felt terrible all day today. I guess this is the altitude affecting me. I was hoping to get away without any bad effects this time but after going for breakfast upstairs and hardly being able to eat I went downstairs again feeling as if I would be sick and couldn’t make it back up again afterwards. I was never actually sick but I have felt weak and extremely cold. I have been in bed basically al day with three jumpers on and al the covers. I still have goose bumps and a nasty headache. I hope this goes away soon. At one point today I was making my way up stairs feeling more and more out of it. About half way up the short staircase I could no longer remember where I was. It looked like I was on the stairs at Rocio’s mum’s in Peru. This was a real surprise as I don’t often find myself on the stairs in Peru but it was true.
They have a lot of herbal medicine here in Huancayo. Two favourites are hortiga or nettles which they rub you vigorously with to give you that nice warm feeling, after the stinging fades. Another is ñuchco a supremely bitter herb to drink. The only times I have suddenly felt better today have been when these were offered. So far I haven’t taken either.

Michael has been fine I’m told. No bad effects from the altitude. He has spent most of the day with mum playing around or carried on her back watching what she was doing.

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